41 Comments Posted by ultravioletacrobat

Excellent Gallery as usual Mr. Motts, Cheers to you and I hope this post finds you well!
Excellent Gallery Mr. Motts, thanks for posting. I wondered if you ever heard of or even explored an old Naval Air Station in Rhode Island called Quonset Point.... I'm not sure how much of it is standing but I bet you would have a great eye for that place, be well Dave
Great set of pictures Mr. Motts! Cheers!
Motts, keep up the great work.... While I didn't see the comments, we collectively as a little website community are way above board... "Don't let the bastards grind you down.'
A cut out in the brick wall on the right of the picture a fireplace?
My first car was a '74 Buick Century...... Oh the memories!
I understand why these characters are put up on the walls and God bless the little ones who went through this place but somehow they all look almost profane, maybe I'm connecting the characters to the abandonment of the buildings.
Looks like one of those shots in Star Wars films looking down one of those huge Death Star shafts
New Gallery! Cheers Motts and Happy Holiday's to everyone.
Great gallery as usual, cheers Motts!
Wow, this is a nice picture, from the fallen leaves at the end of the dam to the muted reflections in the water and finally the old wheel that controlled the dam.
Great photos as usual, you have quite the eye for this, a great talent! Cheers!
Judging from the rest of the building's condition, you're a braver man than I am standing on a suspended walkway!
Great gallery Motts - you have unbelievable talent.
Wow! Thanks for sharing Motts! Your hard work makes it possible for me to enjoy these amazing places from my office chair - CHEERS to you.