
Is this how this institution saved money by putting the air ducts in the most easiest way that the maintenance workers could work on them ?
Someone tried to brighten up their day with what little they had or could.
I feel sorry for them.
Truly I do.

Friday / January / 21 / 2022 / 1:25 / Pacific Standard Time
The intercom on this desk reminds me of the speakers that they would hang on the inside of the car windows at the drive-in movie theaters in the 1960's in Orange County, California.
I know that there is really nothing to say about it.
I can remember watching a drive-in movie while my Dad was driving down a freeway in Orange County or Los Angeles County for all of 5 to 8 seconds.
Some of Motts photographs bring up strange and odd memories.

Friday / January / 21 /2022 at 1:08 a.m. / Pacific Standard Time

It does seem like he has moved on from this, I had hopes for some more galleries of places we've seen from him already & new ones, guess I'll just hope all is well with Motts & his family, friends too.
So long Motts - I hope you are well and have moved on somewhere. Thank you so much for all of your work over the many years.
So long Motts - I hope you are well and have moved on somewhere. Thank you so much for all of your work over the many years.
Why is it that in a lot of these photographs of the buildings that are falling apart the lamps shades are still intact and in very good condition considering the all of the decades that have passed.
What are the companies doing to the lamp shades ?
What secret do the lamp shades have ?
Why does the paint always peel off of the walls ?
Why does the ceiling cave in ?
Why does the furniture fall apart ?
Just look at the LAMP SHADE.
It is still in very good condition.
Why is that ?

January / 20th / 2022 ; Thursday, 10:26 a.m. Pacific Standard Time

Thank you for sharing that update & gallery with us all.
Beware of avian flu and zoonotic diseases up there. Pigeon shit ain't no joke.
At least the room's private and not crowded with 3 other beds. Could be worse,.
How many layers of paint do you think are on that wall and what was the base color? Paint archeaology, I see blue, pink, and institution green near the bottom layers. How far down do you go before you get to the lead based paint?
i called the library about two weeks ago/ no fallen halcyon show pics of what's going on
Happy New Year, Pat. I apologize for my extended absence. School took up much more of my time than I would've liked this semester. I can confirm though, that Halcyon still stands. For now, at least. I'm not sure how much longer that'll be the case though. They were about three-fifths of the way through with Carroll Hall when I stopped by today. The asbestos remediation looks to be complete in all buildings, but I'm not sure whether they'll go for Alumni Hall or Halcyon itself next. I grabbed some pictures while I was there.

If anyone is going to check it out, I'd recommend the utmost precautions. Wear N95 masks, and set your car to recirculate. I know they're spraying it to keep the dust and debris down, but the wind shifted the wrong way while I was grabbing those pictures, and it smelled toxic. I don't even want to know what I breathed in.

I think that the proposal for moving the gazebo to the park would be a wonderful idea. Sure they could restore it and leave it at the school, but what would be the point? It would see far more use at the park anyways, I think. And this time, they can't say that it would be used as a hang out spot for drunks and other ne'er do wells like they did the last time a move was proposed. It is crazy that it takes that much red tape just to fix a gazebo, but I see how it got to this point. They neglected it until it was too hazardous to work on, which seems to be a running theme in the village. Now it's a miniaturized version of the Halcyon situation of years past. Times have certainly changed, that's for sure. I have half a mind, some days, of relocating to Millbrook and attempting to shift the wind's direction back to what it used to be. The other half knows better, and that there's no going back. That's the one I tend to listen to.

Also, when you said "those of us whose dreams are occasionally haunted by this ghost ship wonder", did you actually mean that you dream about Halcyon sometimes? I'm just curious to see what other people's experiences are.
I just discovered this, great pictures, thanks to whoever posted them and for the comments. My Dad was a projectionist for many years running machines just like these. He used to talk about selling the copper drippings from the arc lamps as scrap metal; I have a small bag with maybe a couple pounds of them. Anybody know if these drippings were in fact all or mostly all copper?
the girl on the right is actress Jocelyn Lane who starred in TICKLE ME with Elvis Presley