698 Comments for Hotel Heinrich Heine

Why is it that in a lot of these photographs of the buildings that are falling apart the lamps shades are still intact and in very good condition considering the all of the decades that have passed.
What are the companies doing to the lamp shades ?
What secret do the lamp shades have ?
Why does the paint always peel off of the walls ?
Why does the ceiling cave in ?
Why does the furniture fall apart ?
Just look at the LAMP SHADE.
It is still in very good condition.
Why is that ?

January / 20th / 2022 ; Thursday, 10:26 a.m. Pacific Standard Time
tbh - tht tile colour is pretty disgisting aint it?

gd photo - bad colour........
Tuohan tarjoaa ihan suoria tulevaisuudennäkymiä.
The first fax machine was created by Alexander Bain, an inventor from Scotland. He received a patent for his invention in 1843, before the telephone was invented. Though this was more than 100 years before it became a part of every day life.
Amazed there are bottles still on the shelf, they have to be empty. So, you are closing down a bar and you take the chairs and ash trays but leave the booze?
Number, please. Laugh In was my first thought too
The wine is probably bad, but I am not sure I could have resisted popping the cork. Was there a bottle in the Ballentine's box? The whiskey may have survived.
Chairs from the Playboy mansion? Love those crescent hangers
Something for hearing impaired guests maybe?
I wonder if it still works.
Good eye! Yup it's a QWERTZ keyboard layout, optimized for common letters and letter combinations used in German.
I love coming back here and looking at older galleries. I just noticed on this photo, the keyboard is a little strange. It's not the standard QWERTY keyboard we have today, although the first few keys... qwert, are there. There also appears to be two letter z's, one where the Y should be and one below where the z is today. Some of the other letters are where they should be but there's a few that are not. Obviously before standardization, but still quite odd and interesting to us geeks.
The thing in the back is a badger. Its also written on the glas 'badger quotation'
The Symbol
...and so very many of them - the Golden Mushrooms, LostNExistance.