95 Comments Posted by Tjcee

What is that in the wall to the right of the sock table? Almost looks like a chute of some sort??
Oooh, love that door.. I would have to open and see what lies inside... Welcome back Motts.. Been refreshing your page since August in hopes of a new post.. =)
Awesome shot.. nice for wallpaper!
Funny how small closets were.. Could anybody live with a closet that small in their room today?
beautiful doorway and amazing brickwork above and around the door sad to think this would just be demolished..
That looks to be the heater up left. I've seen the same arm with empty brackets in other rooms.. I can't imagine that heated these dorms very well. Heat does rise, correct?
Seems someone was busy pulling the wiring out of the walls as well.
Looks like occupational safety wasn't a huge concern back then either.. could you imagine how dangerous that could be..
Glad to see you revisit Glendale. This place was practically in my back yard growing up. We spent many a day (night's really) poking around in the multiple buildings. Last time I was out there was probably 10 years ago. The whole campus is heavily patrolled by police now. It's VERY difficult to get in anymore.
Great pics as usual.. I wanted to point out that the thing hanging in the center looks to be a planter. If you look at your historical pictures, it is shown above the pool full with flowers..
Great shot.. but that center squiggly drives my OCD crazy. Who in their right mind would design something like that?? all turned and off center.. even the two outer squigglies aren't symmetrical .. /sigh.. lol
That is a toilet sink combo. Some of the other cells in here you can see it in stainless. In another, older jail / prison post on the site, Motts has pictures from behind the cells where you can see how these toilets stick out from the backs of the cells and empty down .... pretty nasty stuff!
The complexity of these places... the ingenuity and engineering ... always amaze me!
Looks like they forgot to take their ladder with them when they were finished....
wanderer - looks like someone might have been living in this area. Maybe the plastic was to block drafts from coming in the window??