537 Comments Posted by Felyne

The trails are like scribbles in the sky.

The center dome part looks like it's missing ( what I assume is a ) chimney stack.. or a head missing an ear.
Stunning. I wouldn't mind staring up at that before I fall asleep and when I wake up. Very nice.
Reminds me of a Koru.
Amazing shots, Motts, thank you (especially considering they came at such a dog-chased almost arrested expense!)
I agree with you in that if this were in the crypt it's simply destruction of property in my mind. I guess for me to agree with your view on it's place you'd have to clarify in who's opinion the areas are devoid of interest.

I relate tagging to my cat pissing on my couch to mark it (that's why I took him to the vet and had certain pieces of anatomy removed -- hell hath no fury like a woman scorned).

I live in a not-inexpensive 'secure' apartment complex in SD, and over the weekend someone has tagged the fire extinquisher outside my door. I'm like... WTF?

Graffitti in my mind is someone making a picture as an expression. Tagging is... delusional projections from an incoherent mind. Maybe all it is, is a breakdown in communication.
That would be a cool name for an album.
Surly girl... or is this his parents living room?

*brain pops at the photo* Love it.
You have to hand it to engineers, they are clean freaks.

Amazing pic, Motts.
I was thinking fathom was only a marine term... but of course, it's a water pump and I'm an idiot. I wish I found that hard to fathom.
*shakes head again* Dear, oh dear, oh dear.

And here I was going to say this fine piece of equipment is far too clean to be taken seriously as a proper functioning piece of hardware.
*shakes head* Motts! Come on babe, they're doohickeys!

(I refuse to succumb to the whole soap dispenser thing).
This looks like a piece of art that should be in a New York... art... type place... um... gallery, that's it.

'allo g'vnah, 'ow ya keep'n?
The only Magnum I can think of is the PI or the sort that removes your brain matter.. but I can't see how either of them relate in this pic so I guess I'm way off.

So, um, horrahs for Mo's and Point Five Ohs???
Joseph and I prove the point; beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The first and only laserdisc I saw was Wild Somethings with Mickey Someone.

Yes, that's how influential it was on my life.

Regardless, it was still a contradictive movie of its time. Oh yeah, Wild Orchids. Lame by todays standards. Just like Dirty Dancing, I suppose.