537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Something is odd about those doors... they don't have knobs, but they have locks, but no observation windows...

I take it the sign on the back of the middle door says Bedroom One... which just seems really odd to call it a bedroom.... this picture hurts my brain..... perhaps its the wallpaper subconsciously freaking me out...
*waves back to the one eyed guy* How ya doing, buddy?
Ahhh... is she spanking him?
Looks like an upside down wooden ships hull... see you got the lone chair in there too... very nice.
I agree, awesome picture title!
Well he's... he's...ahhh... probably pining for the fjords.
Look matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now!
He was only on the perch because his foot was nailed to it.
Goddamnit, I can't afford to get any dumber than I am already!
Maybe their just exceptionally good at being multipurpose....

I've only ever heard them being called kidney dishes, had my ear washed out into one of these things at some point. The shape was ideal for the side of the head, the dish caught all the gooey stuff without running down my neck... plus they got to see what was coming out... yummy, bags not!
I'm just worried that we're making them "warm all over" ...

And I'm no lady... perhaps if I upped my obsenities quota and lower my grammatic and spelling skills, I might one day be called a lady..... Oooh there is maybe hope for me yet.... now I'm feeling warm all over! Oh wait...um.... excuse me one second.. I'll ... be right back....
Aww man, they have flavours now? I only got the generic non-flavoured goo, which, now that I think about it was Pepto-Dismall pink. There is definately a conspiracy going down.

Lynne no fair, you have all the fun! I never got to attack my dentist. He was a little scary and had big hairy arms. But because I'm such a spaz, I can't help but giggle, so when they've got all their hands and vacumns and cotton swabs and crap in my mouth, I just start giggling. And that starts the dental assistant giggling. And then her and I are giggling incessantly at each other, and the dentist has to tell her off and send her out of the room. Oops, my bad.
Yeah, the Ticonderoga has such a tell tale shape. That's on phalanx on the front, right?

Looking at this pic I keep thinking Im looking into a mirror, it's kinda odd, I figure its the particular framing on the window. Weird.
This is a very cool pic, I really like the perspective.
Sad little depressed needle.