537 Comments Posted by Felyne

By: Lynne
Em . . . no ghosts? :-(

He's just doesn't want to frighten the kiddies, of course they're really orbs. ;)
"By: silkster40z
do you think one could get catapolted out of a window using the spring adjustment on that bed?"

Hahaha. Nice. Got a helmet, lets try!
Sadness. It looks like a little girls once favoured doll, now uncaringly thrown out with all the rubbish.

You have a knack of capturing so much emotion, it breathtaking.
This is simply gorgeous. Great shot Motts.
I'm not sure how many different ways I can say 'absolutely stunning and incredible', but as always Mr Motts they are absolutely stunning and incredible.
Hmmm, a couple friends of mine who are depressive have signs like this in their home. Hopefully it helps, they say it does.
The domes in the top left and right corners - are they security cameras or light shades? (and please, no one say s.d's, please).
That's what I thought too, Gee, the dogs tail looks like a koru.
[insert very unhappy face here]
"they've started tearing the wings off."

In the same way nasty little boys do it to flies? Very poetic, was it intentional? Bravo. :)
Okay this is what I'm going with:

It's two languages: Dutch and French, first line is Dutch, second is French, and it says Instructors.

Onderricht means education, in the sense of "instructions, indications"

I stand to be corrected though.
Woohooo... SLIDE!
Nevermore - you took the words right out of my mouth.
I can't help but see pentagrams in these...
Reminds me of one of those chase sequences - like in Scooby Doo when the gang gets chased back and forth from room to room and the ghost ends up being chased... you know what I mean...

... and now I can't get that damn tune out of my head that goes with it...