537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Nevermore, I've agreed with you in the past but I don't agree with you now.

Where is Graffiti's place, exactly? And lets differentiate Graffitti from simple Tagging.

And Lorien, how has this old stripped of all monetary quality object been ruined for everyone else? It's an abandoned building that at the point in which this photograph was taken was being trespassed.

I've never really thought along these lines, but the demolition guy that commented that who are we protecting this stuff from, when the demo guys just go in and just flatten EVERYTHING when they're paid to, has some credibility.

Let's not fool ourselves, no historic society has put it's hand up for this pipe organ or this place to conserve it. And none of us would be more the wiser had Motts not posted a goddamn photo of it on the internet.

I know I'm out of sorts, just a little pissed off with some reality that's hitting me right now. And yeah, I accept that this comment will be deleted (like so many others).

Like a super cheap red carpet.
Really? Was that a form of treatment? Damn, never wished I had TB but now... I only have one question -- are you allow to choose who you have treatment with?
Croquet! That's so much fun to play... the only game I know where being malicious is well within the rules! Hahaha
*ears prick up* Coffee? Did someone say Coffee???

DuaneD, if you wanna see flat, visit Manitoba. Even the ants can see for 27 miles in every direction.
StareGirl and J-131274, I think you're both talking about an ultrasound machine.

They're used quite frequently here, I get it occasionally to treat my neck. The machines I'm talking about send ultrasonic waves undefined?) through the muscles, it feels like electrical pulses but accordingly to the article below they're not technically undefinedas it is mechanical). http://www.electrother...eutic_ultrasound.htm

The last time I had it done I was on it for what felt like forever, and wave pattern was consistant, so it wasn't long before my muscles recognised the pattern and would then tense up just before the next 'buzz' which wasn't a very cool thing.

I prefer manipulative physiotherapy, my physio knows exactly which muscles and which points to prod, so I get deep tissue... almost blacked out a couple of times from the pain, but the 45 minute session is completely worth it for the 6 months of relief it provides! Far more effective than the US ever was.

Now, back to the photo.... I'm am just totally shocked that none of you can recognise this is quite clearly a doohickey.
I'm thinking Dr Sketch is wishing they had an organ that big and wooden.

*bites Lynne*
I say, smashing good show, old boy.
Nice contrail!
It's cool they've continued his pic on the bottom bar too...

Is the white dripping from the eye part of the original drawing or has it been added by someone else?

He'd almost be a cool tat.
A gigantic piano stool, you know, the sort that the seat lifts up and you store your sheet music in it.
Ahhhhhhhhh! What happened to all the pretty, clean, well lit hallways! God damn if that don't sneak up on ya!
My wonky brain is telling me to scribble the word REMOTE above that ever so cute and sweet little red sign
Baby Pink and Baby Blue.... the subliminal message is killing me!