537 Comments Posted by Felyne

The sleeping angel is so beautifully shot it's almost creepy.

Beautiful, Motts.
Seriously? The 1950s called, they want their opinionated minds back.
So pretty
This shot is just superb! The colours are fantastic. Just beautiful, Motts.
"great photo"
Super cute.
Another amazing gallery, thanks Motts!
I like that it points ambiguously to the centre of a T intersection.
Man, you would not want to get your lefts and rights mixed up. "I'm only supposed to be here for a conference"... "yes, yes, that's what they all say, now lie down...."
@Flushed my mother recites this often, it's one of many little quips she got off her father who was forever reciting some little ditty or other... before he developed dementia that is...
"the building had almost every door and corridor labeled."
^ and OCD Administrator with a label maker.
@Mica - don't forget ORGANIC!
Out. There.
Back when 60+ was considered "aged".

Interesting snippet and not surprising. Adaptability or motivational integration seems to be the key to longevity (can we call it will to live?). It would be interesting to see these statistics for recent times with reference to not just hospitalisation but any major change (loosing a longterm partner for example, downsizing from the family home into a unit, moving into care). The hospitalisation seems to be the point of blame for the deaths (see comments above) yet I would put it to you that it's the lack of adaptability to new surrounds (regardless of what they are) that's the real factor. Hospital's just the fall guy (generally speaking of course, not saying there's never been mistreatment to anyone anywhere).

Had a 94yr old relative recently had to leave her home for a care facility and she lasted less than two weeks. Accepting she would never be in a position to be self sufficient, she was mentally ready and, well, what's that Matrix quote; the body cannot live without the mind.
I was going to say it is probably be an accounting function, and looks like they're tab stops - doing columns of numbers on a manual typewriter is the suck.

I'm putting 50 bucks down on it being a Royal (probably a KHM).