61 Comments Posted by NIcole

Tyler I am interested in seeing the blueprints
What's with the 8 on the door Motts?
Motts! Its nice to see you once and awhile..:)
LOVE this shot!
How big was this place? In the beginging it seemed pretty small but the newer renovated spaces of the building seem to go on forever.
Wow!! Stunning! Background?
Oh my Gosh Motts i feel like your mother but please be careful!!
great photo too;)
Hey Motts! Do you ever feel that these locations aren't safe? It seems as though there are lot of things that could go wrong especially here with all the cables hanging down.
Now this is a new wallpaper! Absolutley stunning!
Could you turn the game on??
LOVING the new galleries!!! Haven't been to the site in a couple years(sorry!) but I'm pleasently reminded why i keep coming back by your stunning work! Thanks again for the photos!!
Lynne do you know if these are still used today?? The frame seems like such an old fashioned way to treat patients with back injuries.
It looks like there is an E in between AND and SOL like ANDESOL
*shiver* Belchertown State School For The Feeble-Minded. This place is creepy. I went there when i was in high school just to walk around, there was all sorts of creepy noises while my friends and i were there.

It hasn't been open for at least 20 years now. It was a Mental Hospital back in the day, and pretty much since it opened, they treated their patients like crap. some of the new articles are online about it. it does have a creepy vibe from photos, but being there is absolutely freaky!
does anyone know the address for the salesian school in goshen ny please email it to me at jaydecker2000@yahoo.com ty