303 Comments Posted by LPN

Very powerful images. Your late friend is well honored. Thank You!
Wanderer, Yes there are several drone videos. I think all were created by Mr. Travis Keyes. Some are under Halcyon Hall/Bennett school, some are only under Bennett. I think the one listed as Bennett is the final product, I am not sure. Add Travis Keyes to your youtube search. LPN
Pat Ratchet, Thank You! I appreciated all the info and interesting background info. A movie or a novel indeed! "Godeys Ladies Book" Was referenced in "The Little House" books," Laura Ingalls Wilder", writes about reading the book when considering a dress design.
Has everyone seen the Bennet School on youtube shot with a "Go Pro Cam" on a drone? It was posted by Mr. Travis Keyes. Pat Thanks again for the info. LPN
I feel like this page is the best place to post a couple of questions. What was the 1/2 oval area just left of the turret? I have not yet researched James E. Ware the Architect, I know from here that he was the /or one of the architects for Mohonk Mountain House. What do we know about H.J. Davidson the man that had the hotel built. Researching him is difficult search engines think I want "Harley Davidson". If someone knows more would appreciate the info. Thanks!!
"Saturday Night Fever", Notice the man's sideburns, hair, collar and the flare of the pant legs.
LucieLou, I believe you are correct. LEAP was/is an acronym like SAT scores. I think successful scores on LEAP were necessary to advance to grade 9. The 2005-2006 School year had started 1 or 2 weeks ahead of "Katrina".
Monoject Brand,,, very late 1980's, unused most are still intact. with the "pink" caps on the casings.
Mauve and Teal, the 80's called they want their colors back!
Mr. Mott's, as always another A+++ gallery. I admire your commitment to great photography.
Nice little curtain on the transom, color coordinated with the yellow/gold door. Interesting.
Look at the half circle strap behind the IV pole. I think that was a place for an oxygen tank. I think it is an old "crash cart" for a patient in distress. I have never seen one quite like it. Stainless steel is deceptive it could be much older than we think, for close to 50 years all of the supplies would be behind locked doors secured with a one time use plastic "pop" lock for an emergency.
"Fallout Shelter"... been a while since I have seen one of those.
Mr. Mott's, This is a great photograph!
I think this section of park, was in honor of the original "Ponchartrain Beach" amusement park. It was closer in to the city and razed years ago (1980's) in favor of a condominium scheme. It is really amazing this much is left of the park. Take a peek at deadmalls.com Lake Forrest Mall was very near Six Flags.
Mr. Motts amazing photography. The situation is disrespectful and disturbing. My papers are in order. This gallery has reaffirmed my end of life directive re: cremation.