74 Comments Posted by misty

I just published a book about a haunted asylum,and am looking to create a book trailer. The website for the top photo can't be found when i click the link,but i would love to use it in the trailer. Is that okay? Do you have the contact information for who i should talk to?
How do I obtain a copy. I just want to frame this
This is so sad. To see the pictures now. The destruction of such beauty kills me
I am so glad that we have businesses that try to preserve what they can. Church related relics have difficulty in the market. The stain glass trim doors and other similar items can be saved.
I want the sink
Everything related to WWII and Germqmy had to be burned buried or blown up. They did not want the Nazis to have any ability to come back into power
I just want the bath tub. Love these
The institutions had their own security trained to help the patients. If they can't handle it or other issues arise they call the main police
It appears to be a pass through for equipment or for supplies.
The short walls separated beds. They could hold things for the residents or the staff.
Fresh air was suppose to cure TB. This ability to high ceilings and windows would allow air to circulate. Even if it was cold.
I recognize that machine, I had many EEGs done as a child
Oh, I love this picture...the window of art is timeless.
Is that stained glass? It's hard to imagine that it has not been detroyed by vandals.
Everything looks so amazing in black and white. This looks like a time forgotten.
This relic must have been unimaginably beautiful in it's heyday.