My bros and I know how to party. What you didn't find was the weed and poppers we hid in the tub drain for next time.
"I don't like the sink to be on the wall. I want it...HERE!"
"Oh man...I hate using the bathroom after Motts...Seriously, look at this mirror! Mommmmm!!!!!"
There's a woman in the mirror.
Please join us for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for this building. It will take place on October 26 at 11 am. This event is open to the public.
I just want the bath tub. Love these
Thanks Motts. Shame the Zombies ran off with all the chairs.
Ok I am NOT leaving highly inappropriate (nasty) comment that came to mind.
You'll just bleep it anyway.
Vampires were partying with the Zombies.
Just need a purple tint.
Hum, sculpt the moldering paper into brains then the zombies can appreciate the art and have a snack.
Oh yeah that would be to easy.
Why can't they at least use file 13?
With Iceberg on this.