25 Comments Posted by WranglersGirl

RE: Tracy

They had to use a form of restraint on my infant son. He was very sick and they had several tubes on him. He kept trying to pull the oxygen tube and IV out. He was just being curious, but they we keeping him alive. So they used a board type restraint to stop him till he was able to breath on his own, and they could remove the tubes. I was with him all the time and the nurse were in the room about ever 15 min. to check on him.

It was heart breaking to see, but at least he is here with me today 5 years later.
Alright Monty, I will take what is behind door number 1, because door number 2 looks too scary.
If I remember correctly, in a military situation "Magazine" is a place where weapons, ammunition, or other valuable stores (such as grenades and explosives), can be safely kept.

Usually it is locked up to prevent unauthorized removal of stores. But I am drawing on some very old memories here. (dating myself I think)
gee what is up with the medical advertisements from Pakistan?
We had blackboards on the back walls of the lecture halls where I took classes in high school and college.

They weren't used much, but our instructors would put long term assignments and notes that would be needed for the whole semester on them. Such as parallel readings or reference section numbers, to make it easier for us.
Thank you for another wonderful wallpaper for my computer. I have gotten many of my friends addicted to you work, and to photograph of this genre in general.
Does anyone know what "Femmes Revoltees" means?? Women Revolt..lol.

I'm sure it doesn't mean revolting women or women revolting against something, was just curious what it does mean.
The rum...the rum...where's the rum, what do you mean all the rum is gone!! :-)
Oh I so wish this one was available as a wallpaper!! .... :-(

Just a guess here...but I think the painting is of one of the saints. Staints are often depicted like this is pictures.
OMG!!! Wallpaper please Motts'
Thanks for those mental images there REZ...I think I won't have to worry about sleep tonight. :-)
Omg Bink, it does kind of look like Jimi Hendrix...didn't notice that at first, but your right.
Oh please oh please someone restore this before it is lost to the past!!!