Thank you for answering my questions! I probably should have asked you before I began, but are you okay with me using your picture as a reference photo for 3D-modelling? I will not publish it anywhere nor will I ever try to use it as a monetary source, this is simply for practice.
It's been a long time since I took the photo, but I believe there was a stairwell off to the right. Shiny patches are parts of the wall where the paint has not peeled off (no wallpaper was used in these kinds of institutions). Rocks and stones are usually thrown through the windows by vandals/kids. Yes there is a light fixture box in the ceiling. Unfortunately these photos were lost on a failed hard drive, and no higher resolution exists.
Does anyone use this site anymore? I have a few questions, first off is there a second window on the right where the wall sort of intrudes? Are the shiny and dark patches on the walls wallpapaer that has peeled off? What is that white object leaning on the wall on (what I think would be) the wall? Is there even a wall there or does it continue as a corridor? Where have the stones and glass shards come from? Is that black thing in the roof a light bulb holder? Is it possible to get a newer picture with a higher resolution?
BritanyB, they do restrain infants & children in hospitals for their own safety & protection, as they do not know any better. Think about it, if you are a baby or a young child, you are exploring the world around you & learning things daily. With that in mind, you do not know pulling out an I.V. or trying to climb out of your crib or bed could threaten your well-being or life.
I know the thought of such action is disheartening & uncomfortable, but it is needed sometimes & parents know that long term, no real damage is done. The babies & children forget it & move on with their lives, hopefully happy & healthy for years to come.
Yes Britany they would restrain a baby if it was needed.
My daughter was a 3lb pre-term in NICU. And they had to tie her down with gauze. Because she wouldn't stop pulling her tubes and IV's out. So yes if they need to they will.
Plus many hospitals still swattel infants.
@ nvusofmotts - I'm told that near everything really did have a 'psychedelic' cover/back illustration. The cultural spillover from the hippie/counterculture movement was THAT intense.
The MMY has been around since like 1938 or so and they are on the 18th edition now; I see a 3rd and fourth edition on that shelf. The earliest edition I found on a google search is the 9th ed. from 1985. upon further search the 3rd edition was published in 1949 and the 4th in 1953.
useful for kids with poor motor function so their hands aren't all over and they don't fall off the bed. It could also be possible that a kid could have an injury or condition requiring being still and not rolling over while sleeping.