3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

The yellow poster is an illustration of an apple with the world continents inside, hung upside-down. Can't make out the text though, too far away.
It's just a very dirty tongue and groove wood floor!
It's a topography map of the United States, showing major bodies of water and elevations.
No I didn't explore much of the attic space.
Nah, it's just really dark. I believe the bottling/labeling machine in the next photo was down in that recessed area.
I think it's just obscured by the building, from the wider-angle photo.
Yeah there's a steam line that feeds the buildings from the power plant; I recall it being a bit of a crawl and full of nasty, friable asbestos, so it wasn't really worth taking as other entrances were usually available.
It's a bit too thick for electrical conduit, and the lamps are still on the ceiling, which makes me think it's a sprinkler system for fire safety. Those safety codes came along after these buildings were constructed, so they are often obvious instead of being integrated with the building.
Thanks, nope didn't see much wildlife here other than birds.
No, looks like a case for some audio equipment that was used at the park.
I believe it was on the second floor, but it's been a while.
I did not see any gators here, surprisingly.
Freespirit - oh yeah, we all jumped in. That's when we noticed the no-clearance dock railing (AKA The Arm Slicer).
Ah, just an explorer friend checking out the top
Tony - that would be cool; not sure if it would sit so completely still for 6 minutes (maybe)

Freespirit - yeah, there's quite a bit of light pollution from New Orleans which gives the sky a blue-purple hue which can look like day time. Thanks!