3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

You're right, I didn't know the distinction until you mentioned it, thanks!
Yeah the park was stating to get pretty tagged up.
No it was supposed to be "Main Street Square;" it seemed like a place that sold merchandise mostly.
Yup looks like it got wedged in between the fence and the turnstile.
Thanks; nope this place has been visited by quite a few people in recent years.
It's hard to say really, psychiatric hospitals were so much different back then. At the time of the photo, doctors were stabbing in the dark trying to find a way to cure mental illness. Plenty of rest, fresh air, a healthy diet and various kinds of art/occupational therapies in pleasant surroundings were the best that could be offered. It sounds nice, but I doubt that many people were actually getting better.

Once these hospitals became overcrowded and underfunded, these old buildings may have been used to house violent patients. I could imagine a superintendent who is extremely pressed for space making a decision to treat more hopeful cases in a modern facility, and keeping the "back wards" in the old outdated buildings.
This was taken with a Canon 300D (Digital Rebel, first edition) with a Tamron 17-35mm lens. The camera is pretty old nowadays, but that lens was pretty decent.
I usually only wear a mask in tunnels with dry, friable asbestos; it can get cumbersome and difficult to breathe wen climbing up and down flights of stairs. I've felt a bit run-down from really moldy places with no ventilation, but haven't gotten ill from it (yet).
Thanks all!

bobo: I'll try to get a new set out by this Sunday.

FreeSpirit: sure, I'll make the next one from the deep south!
Yeah they look to be part of the sprinkler system attached to the ceiling.
Yup, all the rooms down here had to be lit with a flashlight.
There were some thick vines growing up the sides of the building; I think they're reaching in from a busted window on the left.
Iceberg - just another empty room, possibly a single bedroom or used for observation; the angle of the wall eliminates a blind spot that usually occurs in rectangular rooms when looking in from the door.
Nope, no rules broken so no worries... I think the radiation levels at Pripyat are at a level that would be acceptable for someone visiting for a short time. I'm usually in Germany every 2 years or so, I can't wait to go back!
It's an x-ray apparatus, used for general medical purposes for the patients at the hospital.