142 Comments Posted by Lyric

Dude... ya got some big brass ones.
Okay, who exactly did you pray to for such calm waters? I'm in awe.
(Missed You!)

This looks like it could pass as a b/w post card
Didn't hear a thing...
That would be the ceiling on the floor.
Paint chips, curling tile and paper.
The whole thing just gives you that whole chaotic feeling.
Herr Docktah
Do not make promises you can't keep.
Else I will have to 'whip' you into shape...

I had a comment. I typed it all out, and then had to edit it at the last minute. Because I refuse to sink to that level of hell.
- Really you don't want my comments. Honestly, I don't think you could handle them. Besides, you would likely find them abusive.
Which scares me, because your fascination with abuse would likely feed this sick fantasy you have.

*clink clink* That's my 2 cents.
'umbuty 'ot a 'ishew? 'y 'ounge ish 'beeding??
Gonna have to bring in a picture of the ballroom where my dance class is.
We have stairs that lead out the window.
It's what I do with fellow classmates who have no rhythm!!!

Really.. it goes to the FIRE ESCAPE!!!!
Good gravy.
By the way.. Welcome. Glad to have ya
*takes a piece of chocolate* Thanks for sharing.
I don't believe he posted anything regarding the year built.

Considering it was a TB Hospital to start I would wager late 1800's to Early 1900's.

I'm sure he'll chime in with the answer once he sees this again.
*for Lynne*

Wow! That's Huge!! Do you think it will fit?
In that case, for a building like this you are likely correct.
We've learned a bit in regards to housing/staff ratios.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Medicine is a practice.
Unfortunately, it takes a few screw ups to learn.

It's a pleasure to have you here visiting.
Thank you so much for coming by.

We would like to hear more about the hospital and your experiences there. If you would be so inclined to share it with us.