153 Comments Posted by Kim

it's amazing how beautiful the marble floors are and the banisters look as if someone has keep it clean
master motts doesn't know what this is? then noboby will!
I am viewing this on the day that there was a fire at the former Danver's State Hospital site. Apparently, the hospital was being converted into condo's. I can't help but wonder, if the "spirits" of those who resided at the hospital had something to do with the fire. Anytime there is a fire at a State Hospital I wonder if it is a result of the angry "spirits".
It looks like there is a small hole at the 50 mark dosn't it .
Maybe drugs?????
this dosn't look all that great of beautiful i'm not talking about the war it looks like now. but it dosn't have the elabrate staircase or wood work etc. that you see in the other picture that we have seen.
will someone hold my hand I'm scared... please
When I saw the picture all I could saw is WOW HOLY SH@T D$M that is beatiful after reading the other posts it almost brings me to tears I can feel them in my chest coming up. Most Staff at the hospitals try to provide the best care and help them to celebrate the holidays even though the patients don't get to go home they decorate and have patients make craft to make it feel more like christmas. sorry to rant.
i love this picture it is so beautiful I wonder what it looked like when it was new. A bright place for a gloomy disorder I'm glad that they are reuseing the building.
The left-hand side door panels has one piece of glass still remaining in it. The distoration is pretty sweet. Such old glass and was completely uneven.
I went to this exact place friday night..and i must say it was so creepy walking up that long road. We parked at the part with the log across the road..we attempted to get in but everything was boarded up. three cop crusiers showed up but we just hid and so they left. Right after we decided to leave to. It was a very scary place to be at during nightime! I wanna go back soon though!
was there any children laid to rest there?
i worked on the hill for close to 10 years of course the unknown is very scary until you can understand that half or more were committed for things that we take for granted in the year 2006
sorry my brain is not funtioning very wiell right now but the bottom picture is the orginal room right? I would think that the top one was an origial the bottom picture looks so new.
Ok where is Prince Charles Crews to provent all the damage and to keep the building in good repair???? Or is he like everyone else?