153 Comments Posted by Kim

I love your website. I would like to add that it breaks my heart to see the religious property left behind. Families gave money to purchase all of this. Why does the Church not re-use these items for new churches being built? It makes me so sad.
I worked here from 1990 to 2011..
I was lucky enough to tour part of the hospital during a visit to the Medical Records Department. I worked at a different facility in Lansing and came to see how different YSH was, and boy, was it!! Such a shame these old facilities were torn down. Whenever I'm down that way now, I look off to where the grounds once were and remember what a magnificent place it was!
Mr. Motts,
Please let me know if you are interested in visiting Georgia. We have a spare room you can borrow. I live in Macon, GA (also called Middle Georgia). kimbre01@hotmail.com
that is pretty cool :)
wow motts this gallery is my favorite by far you including the three subjects i love the most hospital prison and cemeteries! Thank you for such an exciting gallery!
Holy cow, there are no stairs! Watch that first step.
love the title motts it made me smile!
i agree with mica :) glad to see a new post! Happy new year motts and everyone!
Motts glad your back again it's so great to have new pics hope all is well and thanksso much for your awesome photos!
Ephemera: Resurrection
Brelinka I was there from the time I was 13-15 as well. I can remember having to walk the mail from the south to north building. Your description is dead on of our day rooms. I remember we had some pretty cool staff members unless you pissed them off then they would send me to the quiet room or even worse 4 point restraints. I hated that place!
My grandmother was only 36 years old when she died at Pilgrim State Hospital, leaving behind three very small children (the youngest being my mother). I was able to get copies of her transcripts from the hospital many years back. This place has always held a fascination for me and these photographs are hauntingly beautiful.
NOIP, I also lived in the Bowland Unit, two years from 1989-1991. As it turned out, it was the most important event of my adult life so far!
Don't live in Lancs so I'm dearly wishing I'd thought to go back and pick up a few souvenirs.
Farewell Cam House.
glad to have you back motts was a little worried after visiting this site daily for almost 5 years now i was pretty worried not seeing a new post. I was so happy when i came and seen the new gallery. hope all is well and looking forward to seeing this new post. best wishes motts!
My grandmother died at Pilgrim State in the 1930s. It was a bit of a family mystery for years and eventually I was able to obtain her medical records from the facility. Seemed like a very sad place to be.