153 Comments Posted by Kim

thanks motts for these wonderfull pictures i look forward to coming to this site and finding new gallieries this is the only site i have habitually returned to for almost 4 years now. keep them coming!!!!
If you have ever seen a movie called "Girl interupted"
This hospital has alot of the same thing as the movie did. And alot of the photo's looks as if you were in the same hospital as the movie was filmed.
I tried to get in for a photo shoot and the owners wouldn't even return my call. The preservation unit was all for the photo shoot there. But sadly we could not get permission to go in.
This is a awesomely,wicked photo.
The hospital had everything, dentist, hair salon, gym. Every thing we needed
This is definitley a quiet room when locked it turned into seclusion. I as a kid I was put in here for everything. Don't talk back if you don't want to go in.
I lived in this hospital on the childrens ward for a yr and a half. I left right before it closed when I was 15. This is was what our view looked like from our bedroom windows. Not a nice place at all. The building was infested with cockroaches that would fall from the ceiling panels. Sad sad place.
It looks like the hotel they filmed "The Shining" in....creepy
Mr. Motts, This is the first time I have commented even though I have enjoyed your photos since I first found this site. I honestly have to say that your work is bar none, there is no other site I have found that can match this one in historical information and beauty of the photographs. I just wanted to say thank you for the taking us along on your explorations! Although all of your pic are amazing, I enjoy the hospitals and state schools the most. Growing up in the shadow of Harrisburg State Hospital and having access to most of their buildings through my parents working for different state agencies on the grounds and working there myself as an adult, these places have always held a special place in my heart, along with the people that called them home.
I cannot agree more with EchoRose!
Too bad there is graffiti on the one part of the outside! Looks like it would have been a real nice place back in the day!
I think it was a kitchen, cause I don't think a morgue would be that bright, and have all that nice sun coming in! I think it would have been quite pleasing back in it's hay day!
Makes me very dizzy!
Absolutely beautiful! Is there any way we could get a background size for this pic? I would love you forever! (Even more than I do now.)
it is not sick or creepy. i have a 42 year old sister who is very handicap and her bed is just like this.. and many nursing homes and special care home use them