537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Okay... I have finally gathered the dutch courage to venture into this gallery... I have to warn you though I am a little under the influence... the only way I could possible even consider in my sane my entering this place... but Opacity is all quiet seeing as its 1:42am NZ time... IMG ITS 1:42AM.... okay.... you people have to appreciate how much of an effort this is for me... Im a boatapobe, if there is such a word, an my bestest friend ever Yem is here beside me laughing at how bad my grammer is here, so I apologise in advance....
Well my guess was playdough, but then I'm a no one, not an any one.
I can see how ski equipment would be handy to have here.
It's a doohickey, you can tell because its rectangular instead of round.
I counted seven X's, do I win a prize?

Simply amazing gallery Mr Motts, a super huge thank you for sharing them!
Hahah, I bet it's already there Keleigh! It looks brand spankers to me, maybe just dust off the cushions a little.
PML Tommeh!!!
I'm just loving the indoor outdoor flow of this room.

You realise if you wanted ferns growing in your carpet you'd have to pay some designer-decorator-botanist-type-person a quarter of a million dollars to do it, and they'd be dead in a week (the ferns that is, not the designer-decorator-botanist-type-person, well, unless you were *really* unhappy with the job).
At least it doesn't spell Poop.

Water balloons is a far more inventive idea, plus I imagine it does take a great deal of skill to get it into the balloon in the first place, and I'm with Sian on that one, I really don't want to know... you know, I think funnels would have to be involved... wait, no, I definately don't want to know.
I'm thinking they ran out of spray paint so used their sledgehammer instead.
Shagpile, baby!
Don't get me started on your thingamajig, I think we're all well aware this is definately a doohickey.
They could be roman numerals. See, I was far too impressionable to watch V.
I can hear Arkwright calling.. "Ga-Ga-Granville!"
It looks as if someone is standing on the other side of the skylight.