537 Comments Posted by Felyne

It's the rope around the handle-type-thing that has my mind boggling... I mean, it goes off around the corner.... you can't help but wonder... what's the other end tied to??
Aww come on Brittany, the thick plasticiney gludge that makes you gag is fun! Okay no it isn't.

Just because no one else has really answered with what they do with these things... the metal tray get filled with a thick sludey plasticine type goo which they then forcefully shove as far as they can over your teeth so they get a mold they can then fill with plaster of paris to make a model of your teeth so they can then accurately fit fun items like a Maxillory Expansion Device on your teeth.

There are top jaw trays, which is like the one on the top left of the board, and then there are lower jaw ones, which are the ones on the right next to the aforementioned top jaw one (the difference being one has room for the tongue).

Okay I'm done now. :)
Okay... HOW sincere? Like, I kinda half mean it sincere, or take a bullet for you sincere?
So apostrophes are a no go then? Oh Im not sure I spelt that right, does that count? Hey now, using a 3 instead of an E is not cool, right?

Okay so if I decrease all my grammah an' spulling skillz, wotz in it fo' me, boi?
I'll grab a can with you Lynne, but just one thing... is there a Windows spellchecker for graffitti, I don't want to look like a total nerd by spelling whatever I spray the right way.
..exit...stage left...
Im wondering why it's in English and Spanish....

from the 1910s... maybe it contains Spanish Flu.

Ha! I kill me!
I'm looking at this building on Google Earth, and correlating it to your pics, and it's bloody trippy mate.... I have to say, this is one hellova long impressive walkway, isn't it!
Looks like a freaky face...

the antenna are the eyebrows, the yellow spots on the wings are eyes, the body is the nose, the purple part is a big fluffy mo' with a whole load of white teeth underneath.

Maybe I should start drinking decaf......
I'm too afraid to comment because I will look like a complete dork - I can't figure out if its a black & white or one of those confusing infrared jobbies, you know, where the greens look white.

Arkitexture. I like that, it's all style.
The maximum life expectancy of TB outside a host is 8 months provided it is in spit and in a cool, dark place. On clothing, it lasts about 45 days.
Okay Im really sorry I cant go further than this

I'm sorry, I really tried
Motts this picture FREAKS THE SHIT out of me ... I hope Im allowed to say shit on here... this is just tooo fucking scarey to look at..... ooops I guess if I cant say shit I guess I cant say fuck either....
...um and now the red wine is gone we have to approach the vodka... am I allowed to post a disclaimer disclaiming myself from any comments here on in that I post? Please? Dont hate me.