24 Comments Posted by Colleen

UGH, it's HIPAA, people NOT HIPPA!!! If you want to toss around big terms, at least get them right!
BriceJenn----its HIPAA! NOT HIPPA. Also, chances seem to be that these records were abandoned long before HIPAA came into vogue. AND, technically, Motts is trespassing (and we're all thankful that he does!) so the expectation is that no one will have access to these documents. Clearly, Motts proves that this isn't the case =)
I think that's a "Mangle" used to quick press linens. I think there's some pieces missing tho'.
It almost seems as though this place with some TLC would make an amazing apartment building. I'd move into the room with the 2 round windows tomorrow!!
Sigh, AD. If only......
Dang, I was hoping to get through the set without any of the tired soap dispenser ditties. Two in a row. Sigh.....
Never gets old. Oh wait, yes, it does....
Ah, if only the soap dispenser joke were still funny......
Ferdy: I thought the same thing!!!!!
These old theatres were often equipped with gigantic Barton style organs. Our town just restored our theatre and organ. Magnificent! Not as ornate as the Velvet Palace, but lovely just the same.
Wow, very cool---I hope they do it justice!! Hey Motts, if you're taking requests, I'd LOVE to see you do a 1000 pic spread of Grosinger's =)
i was inside the mansion buildings in 2010, i have a few pic on my phone (had 2 get out landscapers buzzing around) I just heard they are about 2 demolish these buildings. I don't know 4 sure but i truly hope not
I'm with you dme---Mandy and her "pothead" brother and other varied friends need a new hobby. Destroying these buildings for fun speaks volumes about their maturity and questionable upbringing....
Holy smokes! Is that a Bair?
That's an antique suction unit.
Wow, I can imagine the challenges to even build such a structure! As much as we all would have loved to see what magic you could have worked in there, I'm glad you couldn't find a way in this time!!!