
looks like a ghost using the walker preet neat and erie shot good job motts
almost seems like last walk on deathrow in a old movie
ok i saw the post about seeing things the clouds look like a cross lol right in the middle :<)
That is defintly one of the newer toilets. County jails here on Long Island use the exact same ones

On a side note. If you were an inmate, you would have no choice but to shit/drink/wash hands with that not to mention every inmate that passes by can see ya ;+)
Ops, i mean MENTAL Observation :)
If im not mistaken, That 's probly a MO room (Medical Observation). This is the reason for the window
All fairly new CF's have the sink/toilet combo's
I use to work at a CF there would be chains connected to the knives. The officer would unchain it from the shadow box and chain it to where ever the inmate was using it. There usually be O hooks around the kitchen
carbon arc rods, lasts about 20 min. that is why most motion pictures are stored on 2000 foot reels, (before they are connected together on 8 to 10,000 foot reels, the average size of an 80 to 120 min. motion picture
I agree with Pete. First I thought it an interesting comment on how society has changed since this mural was created, but this place didn't close until 1996. Satanists and Christians, anyone would be offended by this scene! The fact that it's inside an amusement park ride makes it even more bizarre. This pic makes me laugh and get kinda queasy at the same time.
On the left side of the doorway, is it just me or does it look like a girl standing there with a really twisted look on her face? kind of looks like a floating head of some sort
That might be a record Puddleboy. Especially with the same area code.
Go get "Google Earth" install, look up staten island, go to the south west corner and begin scanning the chanel northwards... You'll run into the shipyard before very long. and yes! you can actually identify some of the ships....
I think it shows the lengths the hospital went to in order to care for the patients. Most doctor's offices and clinics don't have this much emergency equipment.
I've had the same phone number for 32 years with the same (609) area code.