14 Comments Posted by scrapmanscott

Why do all these people think this is a ghost hunting website? Mr Motts takes pictures, he isn't a ghost buster.
I have worked in an electrical box like that at an old abandoned ice plant and cannery building in Lancaster Pennsylvania. The engine room at this place was amazing with ammonia piping going up through a second floor. We were there in '07 scrapping wire and pipe, all legally of course, but that place just got me so stuck on abandoned things then I found this site and found heaven. I am for the preservation of all these buildings but at the same time I feel the obsolete metals and such ought be recycled properly.
Like the doors in Northampton(?) I think, but they had metal hoods with slits over the glass there.
This is the first truly evil picture I've seen on the site
The slates on the roof are a local material quarried from Pennsylvania known as Pennsylvania ribbon slate. Notice the stripes diagonal pattern, most regions slates will have a nuance like that to identify the region it originated from. Its not often you even find an individual that truly knows how to naturally slate a roof any longer.
I doubt the steam was ever piped around for uses other than heat. I'm sure the electric was generated here and sent by wire.
The roof is in good shape those are relatively new dimensional shingles, straight hip caps as well. very steep slope another reason for the good condition
Motts did say there was extensive copper inlay at this site I would bet they were copper panels
That slate roof is amazing. As long as they are put on correct and with the proper materials and maintenance they will outlast the structure itself indefinitely. Can't get any better than slate for a sloped roof.
What is up with ppl posting their agendas? Is this not for comments on the pictures? I'm just saying.
Question for radical ed: How long after closing before the looters got all the valuable metals?
Cant beleive the porcelain sinks werent smashed to get the brass and copper out, all the other copper in this place has been stolen long ago
I wonder how polluted that water in there is. Was this pond man-made, any kind of lining or anything?
Thats the coolest old worm drive i've ever seen