767 Comments Posted by flushed
- Location: Westport Generating Station (view comments)
- Gallery: Trudge
You should check with the State as all states have regulations for disposition of records when hospitals close.
- Location: Danvers State Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Dreary Skies
Thanks for replying. I realize we aren't arguing just relaying what each of us knows. I know from good people in these places because it is only due to one that I am alive and able to be writing this. But you must realize to an abused child the abuse is all the exists until they are taken away from it even if there are nice things going on in between the episodes of abuse. And often the nice things just don't get mentioned. Why take on responsibility for what others did?
I also came here today to address something I read on here a few weeks ago but don't want to look up today. The person posted about how they saw patients on the street who always waved at them and their mother told them not to wave back because they would follow you home. They posted this as if it were some sort of proof of defectiveness at least that is how I took it. It isn't.
That sort of sudden attachment is due to being starved for affection. They were probably never treated like normal people. I'm sure no one took time to get to know them personally and have personal discussions with them that all children need let alone allowed them to emotionally bond and learn about being human because along with that idea of following you home and many other urban legends and distortions of normal behavior until the mid 70's emotional attachment wasn't even acknowledged as being essential for human development. Many abusers used knowledge that it was and the false concept that it wasn't in practice this to inflict torment and use the reaction to that torment as an excuse for some physical punishment.
The lack emotional attachment to a specific person makes people do things that others who have had it but aren't aware of it will misinterpret. When you see teen boys or even men who attach too quickly to women this is what that is. They have been starved for affection and also probably starved of proper prepubescent opposite sex bonding experiences. The early life relationships with the opposite sex sets the pattern for ones behavior and ability as an adult unless one knows and acts to try to learn what is missing one is stuck with what one learned as a child. Thus if all the members of the opposite sex are dishonest and untrustworthy as a child one cannot trust the opposite sex as an adult. But one only knows untrustworthy people whom one loved so one is doomed to pick untrustworthy opposite sex partners as that is all one knows. Honest partners will often trigger fear and make one pull away due to not being able to understand it.
Well there's my rant have a nice day
- Location: Pennhurst State School (view comments)
- Gallery: The Sadness
2. It was a general term and there were many Isolation Hospitals in the US in fact they were very common until Vaccination started having its effect on disease. People who had polio, TB, and other serious infectious disease were treated and often isolated/quarantined in them.
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Flooded
As someone who was in a similar institution as a child I can assure you these things do happen and most employees do not witness them or know of them. After all the perps know it is wrong and take pains to hide it.
- Location: Pennhurst State School (view comments)
- Gallery: The Sadness
What you describe is familiar. The lack of policy is meant to cover for the fact that people just dumped family members they found embarrassing. Doctors willingly and often would sign papers if paid to,
The Follow you home remark should be more obvious to you as an adult but if it isn't the simple fact is people like that lack positive human contact and emotional interaction. Seeing a positive sign they go after it by instinct. This is how so many abused kids continue getting abused, they unknowing pursue kindness which makes them vulnerable to the unscrupulous.
- Location: Letchworth Village (view comments)
- Gallery: Into Darkness
- Location: Fuller State School and Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Chop Shop
- Location: Heilstätten Asklepios (view comments)
- Gallery: Krieg im Paradies
- Location: Franklin Power Plant (view comments)
- Gallery: Humidity
- Location: Rockland Psychiatric Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Infiltration
If you are checking this please contact me through the forum. I'd like ot talk to you about this post. I have similar experience in another place maybe we should compare notes.
- Location: Rockland Psychiatric Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Infiltration
Anyone know what's up with the Forum function? Its been down two days I know of.
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Quick Run
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Quick Run
I joined the site so that you can PM me or post on the Isolation Hospital topic I started in the Opacity/Abandoned Related forum.
I've used the same handle.
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Quick Run
You could also see about going there and looking through these files since they appear to be abandoned.