767 Comments Posted by flushed
- Location: Manicomio Montedale (view comments)
- Gallery: The String Man
- Location: Manicomio Montedale (view comments)
- Gallery: The String Man
That looks to be glazed decoration on each 8x8 tile and not cut pieces of colored tiles set in that design.
- Location: Manicomio Montedale (view comments)
- Gallery: The String Man
Most of the medical tortures I was subjected to took place in this building. Isolation with denial of as much human contact as possible to the point that I was drugged into unconsciousness when they came to clean my paralyzed body to take away even that succor and to make it worse they told me it was poison that was going to kill me as I went out each time. All contact I do recall was abusive and aimed at terrorizing me. ECT to an extent that I am shocked that I have a mind at all and the same goes for the drugs they kept giving me to destroy my memory and ability to think.
This is also where they mentally and psychologically abused me after I recovered movement, intending to distort my mind so badly that anything I said about the abuse would sound crazy or not come across at all.
Since I started to recall I figured out that they did things intended to affect the language center of my brain which have worked. I cannot describe internal processes and or report on my own needs effectively especially to a doctor and this ability to communicate as I am now makes others ignore that when I say it.
A lot of the abuse was because of my ability to communicate and intended to take it away from me while leaving me intact enough to know what was gone out of pure spite and hatred of me for having that talent and racism.
The tortures I was subjected to while in the children's shelter out back would fit comfortably into a Tarantino movie or Mengele's "hospital" in the death camps.
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Quick Run
I can see that it may also be a ECT machine. In fact it is logical that both may have come from the same research.
As for ECT it is a basically a noninvasive lobotomy. It is just as random and unpredictable and they know just as little about what is going on when they do it as they did about lobotomy's. The only way they can determine anything about either "treatment" is based on how the victim behaves after the fact.
ECT has never stopped in some countries and is making a come back in the US.
I had it done to me as a small boy age 5-7 as part of a regimen of torture and abuse while in protective custody ,and then again at the end with drugs to make me forget all the abuse and that I was ECT'd.
As you see I have remembered, and I can tell you that ECT is entirely harmful and does not do anyone any good in spite of what they might imagine. You'll see if you look it up that many victims of lobotomy said they were better too. And while it made me forget the abuse the damage that abuse causes was not removed with the memories so I had to live my life thinking that all the symptoms of abuse were my personal defects that I was born with. Not knowing why I had the problems I did and nothing anyone offered had any effect as it could never address the issues that ware hidden from me.
You may think you were helped but I assure you that you weren't the only thing that happened is that your brain was killed off in random sections and other parts were so damaged that the synapses cannot work properly. You'll sense what is there but not be able to get at it. You will think this is memory loss but it is not it is brain death and physically damaged synapses. .
- Location: Northam Manor Psychiatric Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Creep
- Location: Foster State Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Cave Dwellers
Bud ump bump
- Location: County Morgue (view comments)
- Gallery: Transformation
- Location: Essex County Isolation Hospital (view comments)
- Gallery: Quick Run
My abusers were Hospital Staff and the kids they used as proxies.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
I happened to be a small healthy very bright for my age boy, 4-5 years old placed in a protective shelter for children because of my family being broken up by my father's narcissism and grandparents racism about him as well as to hide the abuse I had been subjected to by those grandparents. That Shelter happened to be attached to a hospital. They, my family fully expected/wanted me to end up dead or retarded. You see the abuses that took place there was common knowledge in the community and I am not the only child so discarded by guilty people trying to hide something. It was common knowledge if it wasn't well known why, that trauma affected the memory of children. It was hoped that if I lived , the experience of being tortured and abused would at least purge the memory of the abuse my family had inflicted on me from my mind.
At worst if I did manage to remember anything and say something they could claim I was confused and it must have been something done to me in the Shelter.
I Worked There, you were a boiler room attendant. You have nothing obvious to gain by contradicting the statements by former inmates of having been abused on here yet you do. You have invested an awful lot of personal energy in trying to undermine the statements of these survivors here.
Now your latest migration in the justifications you have provided for this is that you meant to say there was "no conspiracy" among staff. Firstly as has been the case with all of what you said, you cannot possibly know that. Any two staffers who acted together to do or hide anything is a conspiracy. An idea that no one else mentioned.
Once again I must point out that your mind is not as rational as you are trying to portray. That idea has only been posited by you. It is something that only existed in your head until it was posted on here. So again I point you to your own words to seek the reason you are working so hard to avoid. IDK your motives and maybe you don't either but you are being abusive and negative and that is not ok.
I expect if you are as ignorant as you seem to be then you are trying to prevent something from becoming public knowledge, or if you aren't then you are a Troll just abusing people for fun like the scum whom these people are speaking about.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
The staff you know may of may not be the abusers these people here are speaking of. Again your experience is limited even though you worked in the building.
I used Mengele as a comparative for the people who abused me and were and still are as far as I know well thought of by everyone who counted. I did not count even after something came to light. You r misunderstanding that plain fact which is clear in what I wrote should point you in the direction of how it is you are misunderstanding the pointy of that post and how it is you are denying these people's valid reports of having been abused.
Your illogical attacks on the adult children and defense of unnamed people for unspecified offenses makes me suspect you. I get a "me thinks thou doth protesteth too much" vibe from it.
You can believe as you wish but you cannot deny that you were not always present and thus are unable to state as a fact that what these adult survivors of child abuse are saying. Your use of code words like "worst of the worst" and other dated and invalid abusive labels applied to children says more about you than you think it does about them.
It's 2012 get a clue.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
I'd like to address your long post defending the staff and denying the claims made by survivors here. This is the second time on this board that a former staffer of a place where children were kept and abused came on and denied the stories of adult children who were abused in so many places across this nation. The myopia that allows this has given me an insight into why I can't get justice for myself who was abused in a different institution by staff whom I am sure could get the majority of their co- worker's to genuinely say and believe the good things you said about those you are thinking of when you said it about them, and yet they are monsters. Monsters exactly like Mengele and all the other people who tortured and abused children in WWII.
I'd like you to look at what these adult children say from your adult perspective now. Think of what is common knowledge now about abusive people. How clever they are at hiding, how they work to seduce the adults around them with false front as hard as they work to hide the abuse. The fact is they would never have openly spoken of abuse even with a co-conspirator it would have been in hushed tones in out of the way places. My abusers were insidiously evil. They were the heart and soul of that Hospital and nearly all the medical staff who weren't actually part of the abuser circle praised them easily and willing taught them things about medicine, medical procedures, and record keeping that they then used to abuse more children.
Yes things probably did happen as you say but that is a limited perspective of one man in situations in which other adults are hardly likely to disclose horrid evil things they did to the children they were being paid to protect. On here you have multiple people who reveal experiences and share stories that were apparently commonly spoken of among them at the time about how this or that staffer did this or that form of abuse on them. How is it that you think your limited perspective of situations in which it is hardly likely that such events would be revealed trumps the conversational discussion about what life was on a daily basis for these children?
It baffles me. I think at least part of it is the affection and enjoyment you got out if that job. I'd like you to consider that your perspective no matter how much listening you did was very limited.
- Location: Gaebler Children's Center (view comments)
- Gallery: Control
I was in a Children's protective shelter attached to a hospital where I was tortured and abused in ways that would have made Mengele blush. The intention was to make me retarded so that I could be moved into the ward for disabled children. The intentional denial of affection was used on me in the guise of making me grow up. They would tell each new adult brought into my life for whatever reason some thing that they found acceptable as they would also deny me affection and were often unnecessarily brusque or mean to me as well. All for my own good.
I was trying to help you with perspective about the people who post about their abuse because you seem to be taking it so personally. Apparently that has just made you angrier.
Opacity is for pictures and Motts lets some on here communicate or post stories about themselves and the places in the photos. I've seen people from other places make contact with former friends they hadn't seen since leaving those places. I don't want to get into an argument with you so I'll leave it alone now.
I hope you find peace with your anger about this place and the Adult children who say they were abused there.
- Location: Pennhurst State School (view comments)
- Gallery: The Sadness
That may seem like pointless quibbling but it is really everything to any victim, as people even myself would be loath to believe that the "Red Cross" would do anything like that, they would have no problem believing it about an individual person or group of people who worked for the RC.
The RC is after all the name of an organization not a living entity.