126 Comments Posted by dave

Amazing - I'd like to have that at home !!
It's actually a pacemaker testing unit. The bands go on the wrists and the phone gets set into the cradle to transmit the signals to the testing company.
Renee who is your sister I was there when that was put up my mother is Richard Buzzells daughter, I was also there when they put that up
A disgruntled employee, a family member of a former patient? Only the Shadow knows!!
I was there today. The Downey Rose Float Association is in the building at the south end of the property andis still used...
I visited this site in 1999 while still in high school. When I visited the morgue there were still chemicals on the table and some sort of computer on one of them. The Pyrex dishes and syringes were still lying around. Years later in in 2005 all of the artifacts were thrown into one corner of the room. The vandalism was severe the last time I returned. I believe this was because the Massachusetts State Police and the private security company no longer patrolled the grounds after about 2001.
I have two identical 100ma mobile units. Civilian model of the US Army Field units. CAT # 793K & 793G. Serial #'s 9768 & 9802. Still work and sitting in a barn, They were used in 70's thru 90's. Father was veternarian and took the machines with him at retirement. Any ideas on the value and ways to get rid of them.
Ihate to say this but thats not tile on the walls its ceramic block much like bricks
Pretty cool!
I'd love to see this as a resort . When i was there last ,it was
imaculate , and beautiful at every turn .. grand place..
Il bet those old light ballasts contained PCBs not to mention the caulking
I hope that they removed the power suply for that in older machines they had PCBs in them
Il bet those light ballasts contain PCBs as of the caulking
Did you ever wounder about the nsties? asbestos lead paint PCBs in the window caulking & light ballasts