18 Comments Posted by Silver

The floor looks really old, perhaps some leftover from the times of the convent?
Frickin HUGE.
There used to be something filling the big holes, maybe?
It's mostly in old hospitals and doctor's offices, though.
It is quite common in Europe, actually. The door is thin and you don't want everyone in the waiting room to hear what the doctor is telling you. Privacy thing.
There is SO MUCH METAL everywhere! Where I come from all this would have been stolen years ago!
I think that one of the reasons why we fear these people is that unless you know them well they are very unpredictable. And then there are all those psycho murderer movies...
Rekrats: The patient who melted is a true story.
No one cares about people in asylums. I live in Central Europe and my grandmother has been locked up twice for attempted suicide. I was only allowed to visit once, but it was awful. You get people who are really ill (like they "go" in their underwear and so) and people who are violent and people who suffer from severe depression all in one room, the psychs bring alcohol to the alcoholics' ward and when they bring new patiens, they have lie in the hall in institutional robes (here it means all back naked and sometimes private parts too). I cannot understand why that is happening. I mean, yes, they are "crazy" but they are human too and they deserve to be treated like human beings.
BTW the photos are beautiful.
I'm curious as to why the tables are so low... Not that I would want to work on bodies at all, but to do so hunched over would be miserable.
Lets not forget this place has been shut down for some time. Not all the damage you see was done by pacients...
Just wondering...what is in the middle of the courtyard?
This picture and the other one of you with the axes are...so wonderfully evil looking...=)
I see a frowning skull face in the upper left part
What is with the face on the window?