3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Just lots of paint chips!
Continuous bath treatments consisted of tubs of water 92°F to 99°F, where the patient would be placed in for several hours. The water was kept constantly flowing, and both the temperature and patients were monitored by an attendant. Some tub styles allowed for canvas covers that were stretched over the top. You can check them out here:

Other forms include 360° angle showers, high pressure jets:

Shallow "slab tubs" for sponge-washing younger patients without the risk of drowning:

Modern agitation tubs:

As well as hot packs, cold packs, sitz baths, etc.
It is a banner, and graffiti on it - "You Go Girl." He has many pieces in the NOLA area.
I'd guess the water line to be about six feet deep.
I didn't venture into the homes much down there, but I do have a few sets from abandoned schools in the city.
Thanks, yes I recall them being pretty stable, although on rusty metal staircases like these (and this high up), I usually place my feet on the edges so they're right on top of the metal tabs that supports the step.
Pennhurst was pretty amazing, but I'd rather remember it as it was instead of the haunted house attraction it has become.
Probably prime parking spaces for the head doctors and administrative staff.
I'm not really sure what the apparatus is, perhaps a laboratory stove or refrigerator.
It appears to be a reflection from some street lamps.
For sure - in this video, the audio is kinda crummy, but you can get a sense of the noise. Sounds pretty great about 7 minutes in. https://www.youtube.co...yPBQ&feature=related
Yes Switzerland, but no one lives inside the building; it's just somewhat used to store hay and farming materials for the herd of goats living on the front lawn.
Thanks for the correction and clarification!
Hm, I'm not sure what happened to the tunnels - it's possible they were opened up from the top and back filled after the asbestos and pipes were removed.
Yes, there were controls on the right, and an accordion-style gate was folded up on the left; all the light in this photo comes from the gap between the walls. The gap in the floor seems to just be covered with detritus.