3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

I've heard about the leaning, I'm no structural engineer but I think it might just be a bunch of BS. Many of these tall brick buildings built in the 1930's and beforehand have an outer layer of bricks which begin to crack and fall off, but they are still repairable. I've seen taller buildings whose facades were in worse shape be completely renovated into livable apartments. A lot of people will say that the place is too far gone to be repaired, take a look at the condition of other hospitals... ALL of the original Kirkbride at this site will be attempted to be saved. Think about that when someone says Danvers State or Kings Park is "too far gone".

I posted a link to the developer's website on the KPPC history page.
After some initial discussion with friends in the industry, I've decided to publish a book, but it will be down the road a bit... I have so many places I've been to and haven't gotten to go through the photos yet, and would want my first book to have the most incredible places in it. Thanks for all the feedback!
That's interesting keyman, I've seen similar objects at a prison as well.

Tony, nah these were taken in the spring.
It's a cat with a mouse balanced on it's nose.

1. A room in a hospital usually holding six or more patients.
2. A division in a hospital for the care of a particular group of patients.
Wow, yes definitely great to see the chapel back then, thanks!
It was built 1874-1878... the Danvers State Hospital link up top has some historical information and current plans for the site. http://www.opacity.us/site22.htm
The morgue was in a small separate building, this photo is from the CTG.
The missing shingles on either side are probably not mere coincidence, there was a big fiasco a while back where people were throwing them off the roof, I don't know much about it.

Sorry Moe, I don't have photos of the Gables!
Yeah, it seems like this entire wing has been abandoned for quite some time before the rest of the institution closed, including the theater.
Is fecal smearing the new "thing" for goth hipsters? Wow, I've been out of the loop.
Wow, thanks for your memories christy, and I'm glad your friend is doing well!
Thanks, nah I've never had the patience to put it up!