3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

There was some, nothing too crazy... when I revisited 7 at the beginning of this year there was a lot more graffiti (unfortunately in the morgue), and I imagine in many other places; didn't really see the whole building that time.
Move the door? Nope.
wrb03, yes I have but I have yet to get to the photographs... I'll be sure to put them up in the next gallery. I don't want to disappoint, but now that I think about it I might only have a couple of photos from this building, it was *very* cleaned out and empty.

I was wondering if this building was used for a specific reason or treatment for a specific disorder, or if it was a just a general dormitory...?
Yeah the tunnels and basements were pretty flooded and not very photogenic, so I don't have any photos down there except for the children's morgue.
Another uninformative article: http://www.wpxi.com/news/5270348/detail.html
Yup, they even had a buildng for smartasses :)
It's in the back of the tall adult building.
It was a steady decline that started in the 1970's, Kings Park closed in 1996.
I'm not sure, a few parts of the hospital were not peeling like the others (like around the insides of the doors in the rooms), it might have been a different type of paint used combined with a low exposure to the elements.
Before the 1800's the mentally ill were usually put into almshouses or prisons until people like Dorthea Dix sought to built these institutions, which were more like swanky hotels when they were first built, changing the everything. Lobotomies were first used as a major medical procedure in the late 1930's.
There's a bunch of exteriors here http://www.opacity.us/...erland.htm#image2058 and in the other galleries. The walls are very sturdy, it's the floors and roof that collapse frequently.
Yeah, I've only seen a few, here's one http://www.opacity.us/image1989.htm.
Thanks! The most recent information I have about the demolition is here: http://www.opacity.us/...s_state_hospital.htm
Hey, an arm or a finger or two would be an interesting find too... ;)