3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Now that I think of it, at the very end of one of the wings was a group of rooms that were different than the rest, I forgot in what way, but I remember the balconies out back were sectioned off from the rest, and there was a fence around the outside edge. This could've been an area for psychiatric patients with TB...
Yes this walkway is definitely not from 1862, but I'm not sure when exactly it was added on.
Yeah I think it was a small college film, and Ford filmed a truck commercial on the property in the 1990's.
Thanks, most of the medical building was pink and orange, and there wasn't anything behind the drug room door, just an empty room...
I'm not sure what that is...
I know they patrolled the place beforehand, but it was pretty quiet when I went.
Oh yeah, someone smashed the wall in from the back to get inside... I doubt the hospital would leave anything in there though!
No, not padded, this was a medical building for physically sick patients. Isolation rooms are a possibility.
Yup, the Kirkbride complex was also called Reed Hall.
Yeah I've never felt the urge to crawl into a morgue freezer just for kicks, but I've been in them for toe tags.
btw it isn't me, awyper :-)
The place is in a pretty poor urban area, where many people have gone through the place and took whatever they could. They went through some extraordinary measures to get to various metal pipes and fittings; even the stainless steel morgue and slabs were ripped out.
Send me an email (motts at opacity.us) for pricing and info.
Thanks, I have dreams about these places often, but not nightmares.

Paulina, the refrigerator opens from both sides.
The quote represents a quiet reverence for the dead, and commends them for helping medical science to do great things for the living (curing diseases, preventing similar causes of death, etc). Those are the intentions of the medical examiner and the hospital. No patients would enter the autopsy room unless they were dead... the "evil hospital" theory is a bit of a stretch!