3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Magazine clippings... looks like some kids running toward Mom's home cooked goodness, and a panda bear.
No, they aren't for sale, it's a shame... they have been abated for asbestos and lie unmaintained - demolition by neglect. I don't know who currently owns the property, the buildings on the other side of the parkway have been sold for scrap, these might not have been included.
No, I didn't know about this... it's a shame that people will just download something you created, edit it and slap thier logo on top without a second thought.
The outlines of the knives are there so it is immediately obvious when one is missing.
Thanks man, yeah I have a photo but I'm not sure if the girl in it wants it posted... it's a crappy shot anyway. The catacombs are just steam tunnels, like at KP, but maybe not as long!
I really don't mind receiving critical comments, I know I'm not an incredible photographer and I always try to better myself. Carl is entitled to his opinion (but I loathe washed out backgrounds, I disagree there), I don't think he shouldn't be attacked, he wasn't extremely rude or anything.

Touching upon the question he posed, if someone died while climbing around at these places I wouldn't feel responsible morally or legally, as I have not forced anyone to go to these places - they would have gone on their own accord. It would be a terrible thing without a doubt, but I cannot take responsibility for the actions of everyone looking at this web site.
Looks like a picture frame.
Yes, actually it does.
I'm not sure, a tin for food maybe, I don't remember.
No, there are three windows at both ends of each ward to let light into the corridors; they are boarded up and reflecting light from behind the camera.
Heh probably, or pulling the handle would pull the entire wall down into the basement!
I have quite a few photos of another power plant that is actually much more intact and probably larger than this facility, they should be up in a few weeks!
I think the door led out to a porch, and yep those are cushions on the dresser.
Yup, a network of steam tunnels connected to every building to supply heat and electricity.
Kevin, I'm not sure what you're point is... that altering photographs discredits the photographer or the image? You are still seeing images captured in true life, nothing is created by a computer here. I'm sure Ansel Adams burned and dodged his photos, maybe even overlaid a few to form one (I don't know much about his processes), how does that differ with digital photographs? Taking the picture is the first step in creating your photograph, how you treat it afterwards is the second, it's all part of the process in making a work of art that you spent extra effort doing. I've spent a lot of time in the darkroom, and just like using the computer it's a skill you develop... there's no "Make Good Picture" button in any editing program.

But again, your remark has no true substance, like "I don't like this photo because..."; it can only be inferred, so it's difficult to take your two cents into consideration.