123 Comments Posted by Hallucinator

That tinyurl in my previous post above is no longer there so I re-upped it again.

And same gif in COLOR!

I like that photo and made this trippy gif out of it.


Looks like a toll in a hall....where do I throw in coins before walking across?
Looks like Darth Vader's whole helmet sliced in half, leaving the back piece intact!
Someone must be an Opacity fan and left like that knowing Motts would take a photo of it.
Waiting for someone to sit by the crypt of a departed one......

Great creepy pic!
This is eerie. It reminds me of this pic at 'The Enchanted Forest'

Good shot, Motts!
Waiting for a patient that never came back.

Looks like someone so wired on meth 'wrote' all those words.
Nice eerie shot! Too bad it isn't in wide screen format because it'd be nice to have it as a 1440x900 wallpaper on my 22" LCD.
Al Capone's cell looks very appealing to me now!
I won't mind staying overnight there. Perhaps something revealing might appear in my dream. Like, where he hid his safe at.
The pillows look old - are they stuffed with dodo feathers?
Hair cutting and shaving must be so TOUGH and this is the result after years of abuse by flying hairs and 3 days shadow beards.
*yawn* Where's the blanket? I need to grab some zzzz's. I feel so plastered!