123 Comments Posted by Hallucinator

* pictures an overweight person's problematic efforts to get in*

That'd be quite a sight to watch them struggle trying to get in!
No, it was from one of R2D2's dark side of family history. This is R2D2's great-great-grandpa A2D2 and he was condemned to be molded into a domed hair dryer for a unknown crime.
13 controls just to hose water at a person in a 360 degree shower?
The bed lost the fight because it forgot what the office chair can do: spin.

That's how it threw the bed off to the wall.
No doorknob? That's creepy.
*turns on CSI-issued hand-held ultraviolet light*

ohhh my....
There's something about how the light shines on the voltmeter.

*saves the pic*
Something Freddy was jealous of...
Beautiful and creepy at same time!
This is creepy perspective.
It was what the clients must have seen.
Just imagine being there in clients' eyes.
To hide from whosoever has entered the room.
Rural, indeed. Very. And no stress from the world of the city dwellers.
That chair must have had countless sitters passing the time by letting their mind drift away outta the window.

Another wallpaper candidate if in widescreen.
A wallpaper potential.
I could lose my mind away from the stress of this awful world and sit in peace there.
I'm shunned by the mysterious atmosphere being shined upon from the above.