129 Comments Posted by Greenskulker

I guess it's some sort of restricted access vending machine. Like dry snacks that the patients (the good ones) could purchase. But the access to the machine had to be restricted at times for obvious reasons. Picture nurse Diesel coming out from behind the desk with the "snack machine key" etc.
Love the way the opening in the wall lines up with the view across the way. It makes it look like the gap was somehow filled in with a series of smaller windows.
History tends to repeat itself, as such I can both picture workers here on every level (in the past) and at the same time a similar facility in China or India (today) where the work is currently being done. I wonder if in 50 to 100 years the future equivalent of a Motts will be taking photographs there.
Have to say it....

Carol Anne... don't go toward the light....
does anyone see another figure in the image? Perhaps in front lower down facing the angel?
looks like the person who was under the drier was there too long and were dried until there was nothing left of them but jerky and their coffee cup. Either that, or the drier vomited up the detritus all over the chair.
Every time I see a shot like this, I picture in my mind the door slamming shut on their own, one by one, as soon as I turn my back....
Good thing you did not pull that, the place may have burned down....
How reassuring that it's "explosion proof"..... I mean they put BABIES in there!!! What did they do before this model was invented? Or more appropriately what happened to make that tag necessary, aside from the marketing angle that is?
First Thought : Frankenstein.
Would love to see this place (or this shot) taken in fall, then in winter.
It's the "T" Virus
I see that glass and for some reason think; "what a great name for an English Pub"
Did the WHO ever play here :)