537 Comments Posted by Felyne

haha Puddleboy "I seriously doubt they ever thought this photo would appear on the internet."

"Hey Bob, you know all that paper you were supposed to take to the recycler... you did that, right? Normally I wouldn't ask but I was visiting this site...."
It must have been nice to get a shower once in while, for the bedridden.
Thanks Lynne, I was looking at it guessing it was a bib of some sort (for TB, coughing).

Why would anyone feel the need to restrain a TB patient, but then I hear you lot are all just a bunch of sadistic bastards! I bet you drown kittens just for fun, huh.

(Pls take that with the humour it was intended, I retract if you dont see the funny side of it).
aww, Yay for the chairs!

Hopefully they get along okay, especially seeing as they have to look at each other... "your upholstry is a gross colour" "yeah, well yours is ripped" "so what, so's yours, even worse than mine" "yeah, but mines ripped in a 'cool' way, your rips are just tryhard"
Is it necessarily a date? Perhaps a group number, for medication purposes perhaps? "No Mr Ronckowitz, you're only allowed 4, you don't get no more"
does blood separate over time? Like, yoghurt, how it gets running on the top and sludgey at the bottom. Perhaps sitting in the cap is a nice thick sludge of congealment. Yummy. Seriously, isn't that why they shake blood? (thats a question to, not a sarcastic remark, I know sometimes it hard to tell)
His and Hers, cute. But why isn't the mirror centered over them both, someone was a mirror hog.
It's the little generator that could.
Awww, its a cute little metal face, looking at me cross-eyed.

:S Ive got a case of the cutes tonight, obviously.
Its the Mottership, calling its little wheelchair home....

hehe I was going to say mothership but then I made a typo and thought it was too cute to correct...
OmG Raymond it totally is!!! Trippy!

I concur, sir.
If I know large businesses in the days of typewriters... I would say this is the storage cupboard where the typewriters were put once a key got stuck, or the return jammed... in the pile with all the others to one day be fixed by the magic typewriter fairy. Alas, she very rarely made house calls.

*remembers the sound* chick chick chick chick chick chick chick DING Errrrrrrrrrrrk chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick DING Errrrrrrrrrrrk chick chick chick chick chick ....
Don't be sorry you're dutch, I'm not sorry I'm a kiwi.

I suppose the State could argue that it still owns the building, thereby the records are in its possession, and if there is security patrolling the grounds then they have a very strong case that the records are in their possession under guard.... but then my mind is kinda wonky sometimes.
Have I had too much to drink or is this room sloped?