537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Perhaps that design allowed more sun to shine on the floor without the risk of having more window space. Do you know what I mean? Im thinking of a sun high in the sky, with the angle it would be on, wouldnt be obstructed by the corner the window ledge would make. Ugh, I'm not very good at explaining myself.
I'm not sure Marshal B, I think it's an inside joke.
Smokes on Planes.
Tres cool, Mr Motts, tres cool.
My, what a little extinguisher. I bet that would be very useful if the haystack caught alight... for thirty seconds. What type of extinquisher was it Motts, I bet it was foam. ;)
Oh my, its not a very *ahem* big one, is it
Um... violet?
I can see a cartoon schnauzer dog in the paint flakes at the top left of the doorway, and he's got a pleasant smile on his face and a floppy ear.

Woah, there Bessie, this ain't Calcutta, reign those delusions in! Please excuse the little moment I had there.
Boats scare the shit out of me. I dare not even venture into this gallery, but wanted to say to zryguy, amen to your previous comment to this one, amazing photographs that do change your life.
It looks like an arrow, pointing to that window.
I imagine washroom cleaning products are fairly toxic, would they be locked in this room and for some reason which escapes me now be issued through the window? I imagine you wouldnt want any potential suicide cases having access to those sort of things. Not sure why you wouldn't just lock it in a cupboard, perhaps there was a rule that a particular cleaner had to be used in a restricted area?
It looks like an after thought... "herm, we need to but a door halfway down this hallway"
experimental juices? You mean like when I mix mango juice with lime juice to see if it tastes any good? apple juice, lime juice and feijoa vodka.. thats one experimental juice that passed the test!
PML! Sterence!

I was imaging a tiny tub coming up the stairs, just like Bad Jelly the Witch.