537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Clearly needed more practice.
This chair should have ducked. Let this be a lesson to us all.. when someone yells duck, duck!
What a slap in the face to the inmates..err.. patients, an EXIT sign brightly lit at the end of each hallway. It's an exit alright, just not for you, and we'd like to emphasise that.
Im loosing my balance just looking at that!

*falls off chair* owie... I think I hurt myself.
Well by the time it grew back, he'd gotten used to only having the one, so now he just shaves it.
*gasp* :( What a sad picture, even for a Felyne.

Chopsuey... it is the same pattern as chicken wire, huh. When you look at it that way, it makes a very bold new statement..... was that your intention Motts or just pure coincidence?
Oh, well that explains it!

See, my mothers cousin, twice removed on my fathers side that I was telling you about, who used to work on these back in the '10s, he lost three toes, two ribs and his right eyebrow when the doohickey malfunctioned, causing a horrific accident. If only they had spent that little bit extra and used thingees, it wouldnt have ended in such a tragedy.
But my mothers cousin, twice removed on my fathers side, used to work on these back in the '10s, and when I showed him this photo he said its definately a doohickey, but perhaps he didn't see the thingee. Perhaps they used doohickeys when a thing-a-majig wasn't available, due to funding.
The first room looks like it has a huge map on the wall.
If I'm not mistaken, it's actually a "doohickey"
Being a bean-counter, I'd say its a matter of paperwork vs reality.

When these places closed down, they would have had an enormous asset register ... a register full of equipment that was either surplus to requirement, or just not viable to relocate (ie cost to much to ship it to another hospital). It wouldn't have been written off because as far as the financial accounts state, it has a value, and you can't just throw away expensive equipment (whether its going to be used or not). Of course now, its been depreciated past any value so the people who were refusing to let it be trashed dont care about it now anyway, as it was probably written off the ledger years ago... either that or the depreciation rate of a chair is so astronmically low they are still claiming depreciation on it. You might find it has a book value of $27.42, depreciating at a huge .13c per year, in which case that puppy's good for another 211 years!
PML! hahaha funny stuff Ozzy
Having tight uncomfortable muscles right now, that thing looks like heaven, especially with some nice warm water and maybe a little bath salt... Oooh Im feeling relaxed already....
Humpty looks like he's doing ballet.
Ideally the shapes would be coloured in, not just outlines, hense the 'shadow' name.

They're critical in an aircraft maintenance situation (although they call them shadow boards as they just hang on the wall, not in a locked box). You have to ensure all your tools are back on the board on before you can clear a plane for flight.