537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Lynne you made my milk come out my nose!
Oh, perhaps that's why the stairs moved out. The wall was caught with lipstick on it's collar (so to speak)
I wonder what spot it is that X is marking.
Reminds me of a zepplin.
Makes it real fast to "get these down to Xray".
The doohickey thing on top of the spire (excuse my blasphemy of not calling it by whatever it's correct name is) is absolutely gorgeous! I love it, it's stunning! Simple, yet decidedly elegant. My sort of style.
Every shot with an angled roof I keep almost ducking thinking I'm gonna bash my head!
What's the shiny box on the left next to the mirrors? It looks like its a hand towel dispenser but it's got a vertical slot in it... or is that just a reflection on the box?
The windows have Betty Boop style eyelashes!
Damn, I was secretly hoping it was a funky freaky gargoyle, but the angel figures.

I've got a 80-200 Canon lens I had on a film camera which will apparently convert to a ~300 when I put it on a digital, stoked about that. Just need to decide if I want the EOS350 or 400... for $200, the 400 has a dust sensor and goes to 10mp, Im not sure how important that is... the 350 is apparently a hard act to follow, and the 400 has only just hit the market. Can I ask what anyone's opinion on here is?
Fantastic photos!

I was looking forward to a closer pic of whatever it is perched on the end of the building.
I think I'm fairly safe, my big fat ass wouldn't fit in a filing cabinet.

But thanks for the heads up *watches you all suspiciously*

The monkeys have struck again!

*runs off crying*
... as opposed to the Magic Roundabout, with Florence and Dougal and Dylan.

Dougal rocks my socks.
This is one of our roundabouts, in the UK there is a particularly large one that has traffic lights and is about 4 lanes.
