537 Comments Posted by Felyne

Exactly why you get buried '6 feet under'. Its the legal depth per smell ratio. haha.

As for these places, when they're lasting trhoughout eternity (as have done so far) the initial decomposition period is insignicnat really.
Nevermore, you make me smile. Thank you.
If their Corona is half filled with cigarette butts then they've already finished it Randall, but nice try.

Perhaps you should direct your disapproval towards their wicked smoking habit instead of them visiting an abandoned building.
I stand corrected.

Admin, can you please remove the URL link to my site in the above post please, cheers.
Well I dunno Ladida, who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
I bet you could make a damn fine woodoven pizza in that thing. Mmmm....

Catnip?! Weird, my boss just told me one of the guys I work with thinks Im on P. WTF. Seriously though, the posts all messed up. My reply to you comes before you even wrote anything. I'm guessing it's because my timezone is ahead of this websites or something. Oh well, I just look like a complete goose because it won't make sense to anyone. Meh, not that I make much sense anyway....

And no, I don't recall any escapes via the chimney... perhaps its witchypoo flying off to capture more little kiddies .. or Elvis... Elvis has left the building
errr? what happened to the comments, they're out of order. Is that something to do with my timezone?? I'm such a dork.
It was lead based paint too, none of that water soluble crap.
... You could have got 'the cart' like poor little Ricky here.
Yes JR, let this be a lesson to us all.

It could have been much worse than just jail time for you, Motts.
*sigh* If only you'd listened to our warnings about the monkeys.
Bang up, oh my!
Carrie, love you sweetie, but for the love of god please take your caps lock off. Thank you sugar.
You fell up the stairs? Wouldn't gravity have had something to say about that?
Well I think some women will agree, some of those things can be likened to a straight jacket.... I'm sure some straight jackets are easier to get out of....