51 Comments Posted by CataclysmicStar

Translation, anyone?
Happy Valentine's Day, Motts - I know it was a great gift for me, and likely also for the numerous lurkers who have seen but not posted. ;)
Ew. I have a serious problem with heights, so being anywhere near that - even photographically! - is .. scary, for me.
Oooh. Totally a chateau. We're going skiing after this, right? :D
Perhaps a temporary restraint room for a single violent patient?
Ew. Pegboard is far more accurate from this distance. Yuck yuck yuck. It'd be enough to make you more crazy!
Totally sepia.

Guess the room thought it would give you the tone so you didn't have to do it yourself. :D
Similar stairwells to my junior high school. Only it had identical stairwells at a right angle that connected together on a small .. Uh .. Pregnancy has addled my brain and I forget the word I was looking for.
But you get the point. :D
Those seats look SO uncomfortable ..
XD The tile reminds me of either an old sanitarium or a gym in an older school. And I totally agree with the "ugly" part, Kristiara - that stuff is HORRIBLE!
Always thought wind tunnels were creepy. They just look like they're ready to suck you in ...
Two horses in the back: "Yeah, just kickin' it, hanging out, bein' horses, yeah.."
Obviously the horse in the foreground has gotten into something. XD
Not only uncomfortable, but likely unsafe. :P
I think that's hilarious!
"Matt Bones puts the FUN into Funerals"
That cracks me up. XD
Andy - You provided some beautiful pictures, but one of the exterior ones you linked to shows a first-story room that has windows segmented in the same way this one is. Also, judging from the interior pictures of the operating room that were provided, the layout of the lower half of the wall and the radiators is similar, but they do not exactly match the earlier pictures of the operating room (and I assume that since the original radiators are still in place, there were no huge changes made in this room). Finally, take into account the fact that the trees outside the window, while admittedly not clearly visible, seem to be quite tall from this perspective ... And I'm willing to bet that Motts was actually in the first-story room shown just below the operating room.

Check out the exterior shot that Andy provided to see how the windows compare.


It would have been incredibly difficult - if not far too expensive - to put in new crank-open windows where the old single-panel windows had been; never mind the amount you would pay to have them constructed and installed in the first place. Since there are crank windows, my guess is that this was some sort of day room - or, perhaps, a waiting room for any present family (you never know!) for patients in the operating room on the floor above.

I must wonder, now: Motts, were you on the first or second story for this picture? That would certainly erase all doubt.