969 Comments Posted by Canada

I was 5yrs old back then busy watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and eating Lucky Charms. Ahhh those were good old days.

I'm going to go cry in a corner now.
My cat passed away in his sleep on our couch he weighed 25 pounds He now sleeps on our shelf!
I'm quite sure that this cat passed away from natural causes. most likely someone found the cat in the drawer and shut it when the found the dead cat sort'a like a casket.
"Keep Hulk lock up.... Hulk get really angry!"
"And so time marches on."
I wander how many people would have walked right on by something like this?
"Slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy all the small details in life."
I can't belive that this pic is real.... It looks like it's right out of Silent HIll. Which by the way is the most freaky game ever made.
From Cheery to Dreary.
"Hey down in front!!! Your blocking my view!!!"
Stunning....simply stunning

P.S Can you please make this into a wallpaper? I think it would be the coolest thing ever!!
"Hey look it's a stairway too nowhere."
"Hey dude can I get you a beer?"
[digging around]
"Were are they?"
"Under the heart."
"Ahhhhhh now THAT'S a good beer!!!"
I kind'a cool to see where your sent after your gone. I know when I kick the bucket I'll be on that nice comfy table. mostly because I've agreed to donate my origin's.
I'm first to comment on this!!!

There is no way I would set a toe on that old rusted catwalk. I could just see some monster's blade slamming though floor.
Like pyramid head from Silent Hill 2.
"And she's climbing the stairway to Heaven..."

It's my favorite song =)
Give me WALLPAPER or give me DEATH!!!