969 Comments Posted by Canada

What a neat shot. If you bump anything it would most likely fall into that black abyss.

Like everything else in life.
I bet if a feather fell on that floor it would collapse!
Still it's a wicked shot!
I think it would make a spectacular wallpaper.
I want it as a wallpaper. What a cool shot.
Do you see any leppercon's?

I suddenly need a big bowl of Lucky Charms!!!
That is by far the most useful button ever made! Who needs a fire alarm when you can just hit the "Panic Button" and run around in little circles panicking.

P.S everyhumandies I know exactly what your talking about I loved Ren and Stimpy.
My favorite character was Ren.
"Stimpy youuuuuu Idiot!!!"
I like how it has "Stick bar-code here" in the right corner.

"BEEP! So will you need a carry out today?"
Hey Motts did you do a autopsie on that fly?
LOL ;)
I suddenly have a craving for some Hot-Dogs mustard, sauerkraut, relish...YUIMMY!
Brutally honest and almost depressing.
"Motts can you get the body out of the fridge he's right beside the milk."
I feel like a knight in plate mail armor standing guard in the mist. It's just an amazing photo that speaks on so many levels one of my favorites.
This tape will self destruct in 3...2...1.... RUN!!!
It would be on hell of a job to try and paint that celling.
It sure looks incredible though.
Yo C-Note. That is why I no longer
"Live in the darkness but live in the light.
It looks a little blue to me too. It could be my monitor or that poor lonely fire hydrent could be feeling "blue."

(don't hit me.) I'm a peace loving Canadian.
She looks like all of us at one time or another.
Were all trapped in our inner lives full of pain, fear, shame and sin.
We pound on the door begging to be let out but we can't open it ourselves we have to ask for help on the other side to be truly free.

"Knock, Knock..."
Will you open the door of salvation and hope?