969 Comments Posted by Canada

It looks like the grand staicase of the Titanic.
Sadly that was lost too.
The loss of innocence.
May their sweet souls be bathed in God's light.
Anybody know of a museum out there that would want something like this? It's a shame to let something this unique to rot away.
Now that's what I call a 'classic' Horror movie shot!!
I would love to go and get some dummy and stick it on that hook! just imagen the reaction you would get!! LOL! =)
It really reminds of Steven King's The Stand. Just yesterday everyone was working hard at their jobs and then the next day no one ever comes back.
Like so many of these buldings that are on this sight time really does seem to stand still. In these bulidings however the world does not.... It's sort of tragic in a way.
"Peek-A-Boo I See You!!!"
You should E-mail this pic too the local police station it would make for a grate laugh!!!
At my place the most I have seen was 64 day's accident free and I work in a furniture warehouse!

I know it's pathetic! =(
Wallpaper....Wallpaper....Make this a Wallpaper... Please.
How the Heck did they build such a massive building as install all that equipment back then? I mean all the steel and glass it's just a incredible building I truly hope they will save it.
It's also a fantastic place to shoot a movie! anybody out there in Hollywood listening?"
So many buttons and switches....
"Thou shall not be lead into temptation"

Well maybe one switch... what's the worst that could happen? =O
I really hope non of theses things are leaking. Always recycle you old batteries please it make mother nature very happy. =)
Gives me a major case of vertigo.
It looks like your standing in the depths of darkness and there just out of reach isHaven and hope. Just like a true hospital.

A very poetic pic.
Now that's what I call CREEEEEEEEEPYYYYYYY!!!!!
Although I guess it may be quite comfortable...
But then I'd be dead....so then I couldn't complain then could I?