969 Comments Posted by Canada

Makes you wonder if say 50-75 years from now will theses photos be looked upon as we look at theses pic's right now.
Or maybe they'll looked upon for their historic significance?

Thanks for all the pic's Motts all you hard work and dedication is truly appreciated all from simple and fascinating photo's such as these. Without you none of us would ever know any of these incredible places ever existed.
Yo! Everyone after reading all this information my brain now itches!!!
Is it
A) can-opener?
B) toaster.
C) soap dispenser.
D) what-ch-ma-call-it!
E) all the above
Cool pic looks like something you'd see on a UFO!!!
"Motts takes a bow waves with a big smile."
(I'm the world's best urban photographer)

"Click" takes pic the massive crowed.
That is soooooooo creepy. It almost looks like it's a real live horror movie.
Not even Silent Hill had one of these in it!!!
What ever happened "never stop milk"? or the classic.
"Milk it does a body good."
Funny I thought when I went to Disneyland I thought that I was "living it up."
But I guess going into wonderful old buildings and getting my jolly's by destroying it, is allot more fun.
Then again what would I know I'm just some guy living up here in Canada.
While the people are away the chairs will play.
Looks like a seen form a horror movie.
Looks like a UFO is hovering outside. Very cool pic.
I wander if Mr. Trump could make this into a five star hotel? It looks so wonderful sitting there looking all majestic and all.
If I was a kid at this place and saw Gonzo like that I'd run out of there and keep on running. I don't think having a sycotic pic of Gonzo builds up the self esteem all that well.
Mind you what would I know all I'm doing is typing my two-cents.