Don't wanna see what's looking back at me!
So me and my friend snuck into this place and it definatley was creepy...we had flashlights and explored only one wing of the hospital because all the doors were chained shut and locked.. this place is a disaster many of kids trashed the place but other then that al the original hospital beds and chairs and curtains are all there its creepy...when me and my friends were exploring we were constantly hearing noises......whispering....loud banging and crashing noises...there was an old elevator shaft with no elevator even in it and when me and my friend walked by we heard a loud crash as if someone threw a metal folding chair down the elevator. theres like 3 wings to this place me and my friend explored one side and all 8 floors and the other side was no access at all we found are way to the basement where they had hundreds of specimens and rat lungs contained in viles....pretty disturbing but other then that the entire place is radioactive..theres asbestos everywhere and very high amounts of cancer and diseases lingering around everywhere...but that's what makes this place interesting....If anyones looking for a thrill efinatley grab some friends and take a hike in this place because its fucking creepy and really interesting
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That first paragraph did not copy correctly it should read ;
A short story about some of my memories of this place. I was technically resident at the Shelter out back but spent a lot of time in the hospital after having my neck broken in a setup attack.
A short story about some of my memories of this place. I was technically resident at the Shelter out back bushed
DYFS started out as part of the Department of Institutions and Agencies.
While in their "protective custody" in the Shelter in Belleville I was tortured and abused mentally physically and medically experimented on for fun not to test medical treatments by the staff from some ward in the Isolation Hospital where they kept children. They had the help of Nurses and other staff from the County Geriatric Center, which was in the same hospital building in hiding their activities. They used ECT and drugs to as part of the torture to wipe my memory and for the damage it did to my developing brain. They hated how smart I was. At one point I was paralyzed after an assault in School # 10 across the street. I was left on a stretcher in the hall behind the first floor nurses station to do my mind more harm they denied me any visible or audible stimulation going so far as to knock me out with meds when they cleaned my body. I recovered movement in spite of how badly I was treated after the old nasty geriatric doctor who “treated” me first helped them find a specialist from another county who was young and willing to work off the books (hide the records). The woman in charge of small children (*Aunt Dolly is all I was told to call her) a “No Show” job as far as she was concerned, arranged this. Her husband was the County Sheriff and I suspect made sure nothing came of the investigation. I figured this out after I started remembering 7 years ago. Her junior partner in crime was called Ms. Janey.
It was their habit of not showing up for long stretches and leaving older kids in charge to do her job that let me be abused as I was. She was fat and lazy and let the “kids” who ran the joint at the behest of the adults from the Hospital who abused me (and the disabled kids in their charge at the hospital) tell her what to think say and do all without her realizing it. She and her partner in crime are still alive and unpunished for their crimes. I think Ms Janey still works for the County. Aunt Dolly’s husband the former Sheriff Ralph D’Ambola is dead. Aunt Dolly was the one who made sure they drugged me daily and kept me in that back hallway with no stimulation other than random terrorizing to destroy my memory.
That doctor fused my C spine at 3-4. It hurt like hell and the headache and ear ringing has never stopped. They used straps to hold the halo onto my head. Tied my body to the gurney then to compress my neck they used more straps so that there were no scars from the screws that are normally screwed into the skull to hold the halo in place. I was subjected to constant torment when not being denied any stimulus at all including not letting me see a clock or know what time or day it was. A new nurse heard me crying out for someone to come talk to me and got fired for moving me into an empty room next to where my gurney was in that back hall to protect me from the kids who came to torment me at meal times. The kids ate inside the hospital; the Shelter was out behind it in another building.
The assault was pre arranged as the regular teacher planned to take that day off and the substitute was known and gotten to before hand. She made me and my assailant stay after class and when I asked why after everyone else had left she got up and left without saying a word. He attacked me and after chasing me around a while he got me in a headlock under his left arm and dropped to the floor breaking my neck and paralyzing me.

At the end of it all a woman whose name I do not recall tried to save me and could only get me sent on to foster care. Yet I remember her walking alongside my gurney as I was taken into the room where they ECT’d me the last time whispering something into my ear that she desperately wanted me to remember. Just before sending me on to foster care they made sure to ECT and drug me good that last time to make sure I forgot what they did or even that I was there. I did for a very long time. I lived my whole life thinking all these symptoms of that abuse were congenital defects.
The foster parents were selected for their stupidity and cruelty. The first home I was constantly beaten and she was told to concentrate on the injured body parts that they injured during the torture at the Shelter. A Social Worker would come by every few weeks and take me for a ride and beat me and otherwise terrorize me saying things I did not understand.“You better keep your mouth shut” Smack and so on.
The second home was not physically abusive it was more psychological abuse running me down and denial of any positive interaction and denial of stimulation. I was a slave to be used and then made to sit alone in a room until I was to be used again. In all places I was prevented from doing any physical exercise or any physical exertion. At the Shelter they even took me into the hospital to radiate my thyroid trying to slow me down. The staff of the hospital ran it. The doctors were stupid moronic uncaring figureheads whom their staff lied to and laughed at behind their backs for how easy it was to lead them with false stories a tiny bit of effort would have shown up for the lies they were.
I am not the only one done this way at the Shelter. After many years I finally met one person who was there 7 years before the records say I was there and he was subjected to ECT and drugging as well as repeated rape in 1961.
The crap they did is straight out of almost any history of what the Nazi’s did to the Jews. Torture, lobotomy, ECT, experiments for fun, drugging, sexual abuse, the list goes on and on. I am not the only one. Imagine what they did to the disabled children they were supposed to be caring for.

The first memory I had which made me realize it was something more than nightmares was this. I place it literally the day before I was to be finally allowed to get off the gurney. One of the orderlies had been trying very hard to be allowed to take me outside. He was nice to me, but they all were until they weren’t. Anyway he took me outside under one of the trees on the Carpenter Street side of the building he lit a Newport cigarette. He then grabbed my right hand with both of his. Arched himself over me and in as nasty and hatefully angry a voice as he could muster he said to me; “If you remember this, and you won’t but if you do. You tell them it was race warfare!” and he then bent my thumb all the way back to my arm as hard as he could until it touched and I started screaming. The woman he had tricked into letting him tale me out came running form inside and the memory ends.

This is only a small portion describing a few days in a years long process of abusing me 24/7 with an eye toward diminishing my mind and hoping to make me retarded or at least disabled enough that I could legitimately be locked in the ward where the disabled kids were abandoned. I distinguish “legitimately” because they did leave me there after some sessions of ECT so that I had no normal frame of reference to help me recover my mind as I came back to myself. That backfired because I started teaching the disabled kids how to do something around a table. They were not given any stimulation or education because they were regarded as unable to learn based on the symptoms of that neglect.
A nurse saw me realized I didn’t belong there and I was removed. No more details there. Later on the woman who I mention saved me told me that the kids had started making a huge fuss all day everyday demanding I be brought back to teach them some more. She told me this was the proof that advocates had been looking for to get the formal adoption of statewide requirements that disabled children be given proper stimulation and education. She told me I was not credited because they could not explain my presence in the ward in a way that did not expose the truth about this place

That ward was a separate entity from the Hospital which was the County Geriatric Center at the time and the Shelter. I think they were all run by the County and staffed by County staff. I know the Shelter and the Geriatric Center were county run even though the Shelter technically had to answer to the Department I named at the top.
Forum function down
I was at the hospital on December 26, 2012. that was the last time I was there. does anyone know any information about the sale? have they started doing renovations? or is there any security/surveillance?
I've worked out that the school we went to was across the street from the Hospital main gate. It was a regular grade school that all the kids in the town went to. They buildings were built in the same era and the woodwork and style was similar.
Chairry, ahead Warp Factor 9! *Star Trek theme plays*

Beeugh, I wonder just WHAT tissue.
The picture can mislead one to thinking that central short structure is built at the center of the V those two wings make, it isn't. That is a free standing building probably 50 feet forward of the central axis of that V. The copper topped tower is the central axis and there is a wide hall that leads to this squat entry building in front.
Out behind the V axis of the main towers is another larger taller (4-5 flrs) rectangular building similarly away from the axis as the front entryway and that is the building in which most of what I remember happening to me here took place.

A new nurse who was nice to me when I was paralysed on that gurney abandoned alone in that hall behind the nurses station deliberately being denied any stimulation to make me lose my mind and ruin my memory of how I got paralysed and all the rest of the torture they did to me there, got fired for putting me in a room so that the other kids couldn't torment me when they came in for meals. Her or maybe someone else got into a lot of trouble coming by to talk to me & for moving the gurney so I'd be able to see a clock in an empty office that overlooked that hall.

There were a lot of allegedly good people who knew about me and know about other children from the Shelter and residents of the ward on the 4th floor that were abused by hospital staff, where are you?
It's been sold for $3.7 million according to the paper 12-30-12

Most of the medical tortures I was subjected to took place in this building. Isolation with denial of as much human contact as possible to the point that I was drugged into unconsciousness when they came to clean my paralyzed body to take away even that succor and to make it worse they told me it was poison that was going to kill me as I went out each time. All contact I do recall was abusive and aimed at terrorizing me. ECT to an extent that I am shocked that I have a mind at all and the same goes for the drugs they kept giving me to destroy my memory and ability to think.

This is also where they mentally and psychologically abused me after I recovered movement, intending to distort my mind so badly that anything I said about the abuse would sound crazy or not come across at all.
Since I started to recall I figured out that they did things intended to affect the language center of my brain which have worked. I cannot describe internal processes and or report on my own needs effectively especially to a doctor and this ability to communicate as I am now makes others ignore that when I say it.
A lot of the abuse was because of my ability to communicate and intended to take it away from me while leaving me intact enough to know what was gone out of pure spite and hatred of me for having that talent and racism.
The tortures I was subjected to while in the children's shelter out back would fit comfortably into a Tarantino movie or Mengele's "hospital" in the death camps.
this building is massive.
lone gurney in search of the lone chair.
Looks like vandals set a fire here yesterday. Articles says the County owned building is going up for sale 12-21-12.