1,315 Comments for Hellingly Hospital

The right one looks as if there were a hole underneath it..? Maybe room for the cables?
Once again insect-like - the candelabras look like big black iron spiders hanging in their webs *brrr*
So much craftsmanship. So many hours spent building this work of art. A much less ornate structure would have gotten the job done. But these were artists who took pride in what they created. Built with the intentions of lasting for ever.
Wow. This looked like one of the more dangerous locations you've visited. One would have needed to tread lightly & stay alert for falling debris. Remarkable shot.
haha it reminds me of the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic :)
blatantly someone got locked in there, messed up all the walls, and tunneled out.
It eats away at me to see something this beautiful go to waste...
Hey Guys - I`m off to buy some rooftiles there from the demolition co. How cool is that to repair your roof with historic asylum tiles . Good news is they aren`t demolishing ALL of the complex. ! the part @ the East end is being kept and re furbished - the 3 storey part with the conservatory running along it . Won`t start for 2 years but it will be awesome
Woah, never been to England, never even been off my continent,, but this room... it gives me a feeling of deja vu. Maybe its because it looks eerily like the waiting room of a psych hospital in Texas... one which I had the displeasure of being sentenced to....

Probably just a coincidence, though...
It's a similar angle, but definitely a different photo - thanks for keeping an eye open though!
Motts, this image appears in a Cracked.com article (the source is someone's Flickr)...I figured I'd let you know. (Sorry if this is in the wrong place.)
Amazing....I have driven past Hellingly many a time and never stopped to actually look at it from the outside.
nice pics
tat is so cool and i love it:)))))))))
Guitorman where can this treatise be found.I would be interested in reading it.